2 Wrasses Together?


New member
Can I keep a coris and halechores wrasse in the same tank? I have a 90 gallon with a coris venusta in it at this time. Wondering if I could add a halechores melanarus.
If there are enough hidey holes should one need to evade the other, you'll probably be okay. But, since they're so similar in coloration, I'd be a little over-concerned and probably choose a species with a diffrent appearance.
Well, thanks for the replies, but I already got a female halechores melanarus in QT. The guys at wetwebmedia said that I could try it out, so that's what I'm going to do. If any fighting occurs, I can setup another tank for the coris wrasse.
The coris are pretty laid back, I don't see much aggression with the 2 wrasses you listed and they should be fine.
That is what I am hoping. We'll see what happens when I feed the tank. Here is my coris' pic:


I've got 2 similar colored wrasses in my tank but it is huge, 400 G. They don't seem to bother each other. There are 3 wrasses total in the tank right now as well as 4 royal grammas and they tend to leave each other alone as long as they have hiding places in the rocks. Good luck.
After two months at the LFS and two weeks in QT, I did add the melanarus two days ago to my 90. I did get a female melanarus that is much smaller and different in markings. There was a bit of a chase at first, so I turned off the lights till morning.

On day two, they didn't seem to be having much issues with each other, actually swimming right by one another. Both fish got their fill at feeding time without any issues. It seems funny as the melanarus has been going to sleep around 8PM while the venusta does at 10. They both went to sleep as normal, but for two hours I swear the venusta was looking around for the other fish. Usually he swims around in the water column while occassionally glancing at the sand/rocks, but last night he was looking in all the nooks and crannies in the rocks. Hopefully it is a good sign.

I'll post some pics if I get some, they never stop moving so pics are hard to get.
techi--usually a period of adjustment with any new fish, when there are established fish that have a territorial streak. I never had problems with my coris wrasse when I had him; he does look very different from the halechores, which I don't have any experience with, but I had him in a tank with a 6 line, and they did fine. Then again, I did add them roughly around the same time, no chance for either to get a foothold. Good luck, keep us updated...
Just added the coris in November, so he hasn't been in the tank to long. Here's the fish:
<img src="http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a240/techigirl78/2_wrasses.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
<img src="http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a240/techigirl78/melanarus.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
<img src="http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a240/techigirl78/coris_venusta_1_18_06.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

I felt so bad. Somehow the flash flipped on while I was taking pictures and scared the coris. He flipped out for a bit and his coloring got really pale. I gave him a piece of krill though and he calmed down right away.