20 inch pc light


New member
looking for a 40 wtt 20 inch fixture for a 10 gal tank.
anyone have one sitting around they want to get rid of?
I have a 2 x15W Eclipse Hood which fits a 10 or 15g Tall.
The bulbs are normal wattage. One daylight and one actinic total 30w. Plus it has the pump and filter(which I never used) The bulbs are new. If you are interested.
how much:D I want it to put my frags in for grow out instead of the bottom of my tank. not sure if reg bulbs would work
If they are SPS frags then you probably would need to raise them off the bottom a little on a egg crate rack. It might not be what you need.
I think it would be fine for those. I was going to use it to make a DIY nano tank. It has the powerhead and lights. Just add water and frags.:)
I was thinking $40.

I also have a Corallife 20" with the quad 96w 50/50 bulb if you want a ton of light.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9155986#post9155986 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hobster
I also have a Corallife 20" with the quad 96w 50/50 bulb if you want a ton of light.

There ya go. that one will be plenty of light. that light should allow you to grow out some SPS as well?
Hobster, let me know how much for the corallife. you can pm me if yo want or just post price here. Thanks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9157622#post9157622 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TeresaQ
Hobster, let me know how much for the corallife. you can pm me if yo want or just post price here. Thanks.

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