200-300 gal $$

There are so many variables that can affect cost... equipment, plumbing, and the overall intended goal of the owner. I think I am somewhere in neighborhood of $7-8K on my 180g and could easily drop another $3-4K on it if I was interested in an untimely divorce. My tank is no where near the size some of these others are, so I imagine the costs could skyrocket. Monthly maintenance costs are also a strong consideration.

I think its official, I have more invested in my tank than my above ground pool which holds ~24,000g. Hmmm wonder if that can be converted......
Details on my system would take quite a while.. I have over 1200g total water volume, over 280' of plumbing, 2 large skimmers, 2 large sumps, AQIII controller, much much more... it doesn't take long to add up.

Live rock alone was over $1500 just to go in the display, Skimmers were right at $2000, I have close to $1000 in return and circulation pumps. Not to mention a 500g display and custom stand and canopy to match the walnut trim in my house.

I have seen people with smaller systems have way more in them. Add it all up it doesn't take as mcuh as you think.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8880619#post8880619 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by uztaryn
Details on my system would take quite a while.. I have over 1200g total water volume, over 280' of plumbing, 2 large skimmers, 2 large sumps, AQIII controller, much much more... it doesn't take long to add up.

Live rock alone was over $1500 just to go in the display, Skimmers were right at $2000, I have close to $1000 in return and circulation pumps. Not to mention a 500g display and custom stand and canopy to match the walnut trim in my house.

I have seen people with smaller systems have way more in them. Add it all up it doesn't take as mcuh as you think.

i agree, it does add up, here is my price breakdown give or take, just waiting for the skimmer and then plumbing. total for mine is roughly 15k, that is with the fish included. i didn't need metal halide, calcium reactor etc because it will be a fowlr, maybe a few softies.

wall cutout and custom wood stand 600
rewire/wire 8 wall sockets 325
96x48x30 acrylic aquarium with external overflow 3000
custom sump 72x30x24 700
dart needlewheel protein skimmer/custom waste collect 2200
new 75 gpd ro/di 170
2 eheim 1250 modified to produce 4500 gph each 120
rubbermaid 150 stock tank for ro/di water 150
rubbermaid 150 stock tank for water change 150
reef filler pump for automated daily water change 300
sequence hammerhead return pump 300
move/locate aquarium 200
aquazone deluxe ozone 200 mg with proble 352
400 lbs live/base rock (had 200 lbs existing) 1000
4 48" Tek Light: 4-54W T5 HO Fluorescents 900
16 54W 11000K Aquablue Plus T5 HO Fluorescent bulbs 351.2
AquaController junior 300
top off tunze osmolator 150
plumbing 600
misc setup items (salt, test kits, refractioner, magnet etc) 1000
fish 2000

total: 14868.2
Lucky! I would drive to another state for that. I plan on going 1 sided starphire and plan on the tank costing $2,000 alone. I live in NC and seems like there is nowhere local to get a custom tank like that. With shipping cost and the 280 gallon I want....probably gonna be around $2,000. Ouch.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8876271#post8876271 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by saltyESQ
from a guy on RC in so cal reefers. The tank included a metal stand and a 100g acrylic tank that was used as a sump.