2013 AZ FRAG info. Meetings, Dates, and FAQs.


AZ FRAG President
FRAG Meetings are from 2:00 p.m to 4:00 p.m
Prankster's Gar and Brill 2 (unless announced otherwise)
7919 E. Thomas Rd. (SW corner of Thomas and Hayden)
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

February 16th
April 13th
June 15th
August 10th
October 12th FRAG-O-WEEN
December 14th Holiday Party

FRAG stands for The Fish, Reef Aquarium Group. It consists of Phoenix (and surrounding areas) based members that meet on a bi-monthly/monthly basis. The AZ FRAG Forum will have a thread prior to every meeting that will announce any special event that may be planned. Those planning on attending are encouraged to list frags for trade/sell with pictures or requests specific frags they are interested in purchasing.

It is a casual meeting where locals and visitors discuss the hobby and trade/sell frags as well as dry goods. Trading is encouraged as it promotes the hobby, the group, and the reefing community at large. FRAG also hosts guest speakers, demonstrations, raffles and various other fun things to do at the meetings.

The Frag Forum allows us to initiate a group buy. Post if you are interested in placing an online order. This may allow us to obtain a discount and will also help with shipping costs.

There are no dues associated with being a member of FRAG however please support the meeting place restaurants as they host our club for no fee. FRAG will usually have raffles to bring in money for club cost. 100% of this money goes to the club. In the event that FRAG needs funds for a special speaker or event, a paypal account may be set up to collect donations and the hat passed at the meets. All voluntary.

Nametags will be created as requested. If you would like FRAG nametag please send a PM to Frick, with your name and screen name. The cost is $2.00 which includes a color lanyard of your choice, a clear badge holder and a print with your information. Your nametag will be available at the meeting following your request, and payment will be collected at that time.
Here are the AZ FRAG 2013 board members.

President: Frick (Jason)
Vice President: Aquainus (Shane)
Web Admin: Aquainus (Shane)
Treasurer: Weyrman (Roy)
Club Secretary: Pescado Racing (Greg)
Corresponding Secretary: CoralReefDoc (Joshua)

There will be annual elections every December at the December Holiday Party. If you are interested please contact someone on the board (preferably the Club Secretary) and nominate yourself. More details about the club bylaws are TBA.
This is so cool! And useful, since I just moved here from Seattle and am trying to get back into a reef keeping community down here. Can't make the Saturday meet, but I will make sure I am there for the October one! :celeb1:
There are a few of us up in Mohave county, I was wondering if there is a satellite of FRAG or a club similar to this one in our area?
There are a few of us up in Mohave county, I was wondering if there is a satellite of FRAG or a club similar to this one in our area?

There is no satellites clubs yet, but we can do a traveling meeting. Next one we have open is the end of December but they can be when ever if they do not conflict with anther date.

I am not sure where a good place is to meet up there, but if we have enough reefers willing we can do a Parade of Reefs also.
Revised 2013 Schedule;
SEPTEMBER 14 –PROP Auction @ Pranksters 2pm
October 12th AZ FRAG presents Gary Parr @ Sealife Aquarium, Arizona Mills
October 26th AZ FRAG-O-WEEN @ Pranksters (Patio?) 2pm
NOVEMBER 16 -PROP Auction @ Pranksters 2pm
December 14th Holiday Party AZ FRAG Holiday Party @ Pranksters 2pm
December 28th/29th AZ FRAG mini-meeting TBA?
I've been talking to a few of us up here and we are thinking since there are no clubs in this area we may start our own. I started a facebook page a while back called Mohave Aquarium Hobbyist and it’s slowly gaining support. It would be nice for our club to have a connection with FRAG.
Sure thing we are always looking forward to working with other groups. Especially if they are in this great state of Arizona.
Here is our updates schedule for 2013. If any of you are in town for these dates stop on by and hang out with us.

SEPTEMBER 14 –PROP Auction @ Pranksters 2pm
October 13th AZ FRAG presents Gary Parr @ Sealife Aquarium, Arizona Mills
October 26th AZ FRAG-O-WEEN @ Pranksters (Patio?) 2pm
NOVEMBER 16 -PROP Auction @ Pranksters 2pm
December 14th Holiday Party AZ FRAG Holiday Party @ Pranksters 2pm
December 28th/29th AZ FRAG mini-meeting TBA?