Mrs Postal
New member
The 2015 TBRC Board of Directors will be:
President- Nelson Ling(Gimplar)
Vice President- Kc Gibson(KCSnook)
Treasurer-Michelle L. Davis(Mrs Postal)
Secretary- Roger Hebert II(Rogergolf)
Membership Director/Education Director- Zach Ostroff (Zachfishman)
Stay tuned for the posts about November's event in Nokomis, FL at Briane Green's home(Nov. 8th) and the December event at Fish and Other Ichthy Stuff(Dec. 13th) as well as December's meeting that same evening. :fish1:
President- Nelson Ling(Gimplar)
Vice President- Kc Gibson(KCSnook)
Treasurer-Michelle L. Davis(Mrs Postal)
Secretary- Roger Hebert II(Rogergolf)
Membership Director/Education Director- Zach Ostroff (Zachfishman)
Stay tuned for the posts about November's event in Nokomis, FL at Briane Green's home(Nov. 8th) and the December event at Fish and Other Ichthy Stuff(Dec. 13th) as well as December's meeting that same evening. :fish1: