20H ricordia only tank - how much flow?


New member
Setting up a 20H ricordia only tank. Planning on putting 2 maxi-jets in for flow. Should I go with 400s or 600s?
I currently have a 24 that is strictly Florida Rics, and Yuma. I have 2 600 plus 3 hang on Aquaclear 300s. I still want and think it needs a touch more.
I was thinking of 1 or 2 Korilla 1s to eliminate the dead spots.
Ive been playing with flow alot in the past week or so and it deffinetly appears that if I make the rics dance they open more and are actually growing and spreading. In areas where they don't move at all, not as impressive expansion or reproduction.
Hope this helps. Lets see a shot or two of the tank!
You won't need much flow but with a tall tank you can have the pumps higher up so the flow doesn't blow things around. I had 2 900's in my 20L and thought it was a little much for shrooms and softies unless I pointed them very carefully.

I would go with 2 600's or if you can afford it: 2 koralia nano's, much more gentle flow instead of the maxi-jet stream.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12501352#post12501352 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sprinj76
You won't need much flow but with a tall tank you can have the pumps higher up so the flow doesn't blow things around. I had 2 900's in my 20L and thought it was a little much for shrooms and softies unless I pointed them very carefully.

I would go with 2 600's or if you can afford it: 2 koralia nano's, much more gentle flow instead of the maxi-jet stream.

I agree with this, although the Florida ricordea can handle a bit more flow then most shrooms and way more then the yumas like....
What about 2 koralia nanos? (The 1s or 2s are too bulky for my taste).

I'll also have a HOB filter for added flow (for carbon/phosphate remover)

I'll probably have a few acans on the sand bed as well.
I have that exact tank with a koralia 1 and a koralia nano and my zoas love it. I dont know if rics would like it. You could probably get away with only a koralia 1. two koralia nano's would probably be good.