210 Gallon Pre-Build discussion

I'm not sure I've heard much about "reefspecialty.com". I will check them out. I have been using Marine Depot and Premium Aquatics.
Great place to be compared to Fayetteville. You won't have any trouble getting fish and coral locally. Good luck on the build and I will be tagging along.
Tank is ordered!

210G from Reef Savvy. I'm going to start a build thread when I get farther along...

I've already ordered most of the gear and it should be here this week.
I have a 210 gallon (84"x24"x24") and I mainly agree with the bigger sump advice. We are currently running a 55 gallon sump under the tank and the 12" width is getting really annoying. You have extra room under the tank and the 12" width wastes it and makes working in the sump difficult. Get an 18" width tank under the tank for ease of use. A standard 75 would work nice. Personally I'm breaking my sump down and going to use several different size tanks, all gravity fed, for different sump areas. Good luck!
so what did you decide on the final dimensions? is that 1/2" glass eurobraced? what about overflow?

for the sump, i got me a used standard 75g from a person on a local forum. you should try that rather than a slim 55g. they generally go for about $75-100.

as far as Vortechs goes, try to find a vendor that has 10-15% off. I got my mp60 for 15% off so it wasnt that pricey at all.
Dimensions are 72" x 24" x 28"(H). It's Eurobraced. The tank includes a custom overflow however I want it. Felix @ Reef Savvy is great to work with. He suggested (2) 1.5" drains in the overflow box, but then run the returns on the outside and over the top to reduce the overflow size. It looks like the overflow would be about 12 - 14" wide by 4" deep positioned in the center. That would be enough room to put in the drains.

The first piece of equipment that came in happened to be the skimmer. I got a Super Reef Octopus 3000. I'm pretty happy with the fit and finish so far, but haven't fired it up. I picked up a used 55G & 40G breeder off of a local board for cheap. The skimmer in that 55G looks *REALLY* tight. I'm having the same concerns that everyone else is having, but now I've got a 55G sump. Fortunately, I don't have alot of money in it.

The 40G breeder is going to be my RO/DI reservoir.

My current display is actually a 75G. That could become my sump! Problem is it's already drilled with a corner overflow. I wonder if there is an easy way to deal with that? Any thoughts?
I got my first order in this weekend (the skimmer) and another big shipment came in today.

I'm going to start a full build thread now...

I was going to wait but I've been getting valuable feedback, so I am going to go ahead and start the build thread to get more inputs. I'll try to keep the pictures coming...

I am considering upgrading to a 200+ gal system. If I get enough flow using vortechs within the tank, how much flow do you suggest thru the sump and refugium?
Great question, people ask this all the time. Some folks think that you have to have a tremendous amount of flow through sump but the fact is you only need enough through sump to allow skimmer to work properly and usually that doesn't take much at all. The flow through the sump is only as much as the overflow on the display will handle anyway. There is a calculator on here somewhere that will tell you this. I used to know it off the top of my head but haven't dealt with it in a while now so don't have it commited to memory any longer.
