210 Gallon Reef / In Wall Bar Build


New member
O.k. I have changed tanks after tank after tank. I had 8 tanks running at one time. I had grow out tanks, nano tanks, almost any tank I could. Now I moved, Bought a house....Sold off most of those tanks. Now its time for ONE tank! I have more fish stuff than I know what to do with......

"So I had a dream" What if I could combined two hobbys I have....Makeing and drinking beer, and reef tanks. BAMB ........ So, I am going to do it! Tcreef and I are going to build the 210 into the wall, and make a bar right in front of it. I moved my 125 today, it took about 6 hours to do. . . no loses . . .

I will include some pictures of the move tonight....We will be taking part of the wall down and meashuring it and what not. I will keep you all updated on the build!

(p.s. I must have the best wife in the world to put up with me)