210g replacement plastic support

A colored sticks person, lol. Love it.

I also prefer natural filtration and may go skimmerless in the future, but that this point my systems are too small and have too little rock and algae.
Seems very possible to reduce the pump power without sacrificing flow. If I can reduce my 2 x 150 watt pumps down to 150 watts creating a gyre I will plumb the other pump to go in the reverse direction on a timed interval. I also plan on running my skimmer at regular intervals.
I figure the pumps will switch every 6 hours and stay on for 6 hours. A half hour before the switch of the gyre the skimmer will turn on and stay on for a total of 2 hours, for a total of running for 8 hours per day. I think as the gyre changes direction, in that chaotic time before the next gyre forms all the excess food and nutrients will be in suspension. Also food will not be wasted in the skimmer. I think it will be more effective since my skimmer rarely seems to pull nutrients out of the water except during feeding time. I have been running skimmerless for 3 weeks as a test of the biological filtration of the tank. I am using almost nothing, no skimmer, no floss, only a foam cover on the return pump to keep snails and shrimp out. I wash the cover out once a week. There has been no increase in the nuisance algaes or any cyano. Seems to be holding it own. I have continued the regular water changes of 10% every other week(about 10 gallons)

I got the new skimmer in. Its the ASM G4X+ which is up to 500 gallons. The box alone is about 4' tall. It came with the larger pump, sedra 15000 vs sedra 9000, I will have to figure out the power and flow ratting for this pump. I think I will bring it to the meeting and we can open it there.
Undirectional laminer flow is the best possible option for your tank and still many people have yet to realize it. The undrirectional laminer flow hits the corals and rocks and creates turbulent flow by the jeddys that form around coral branches and rocks structures.

The whole whirlpool tank is actually called a gyre or mass water movement. There is a whole 5 part article on advancedaquarists about water flow. Those interested in providing the best possible scenario for there tank should read it.

Here is a link to part 5 that discusses gyre tanks and mass water movement,

by reefnewbie54321
It's just flow dynamics, laminar flowboundaries and friction of fluid plates. all things move whe you blow across the top layer.

try it on your cafe latte! keep blowing and soon enough you can stir up the sediment on the bottom of the cup.
Ok this skimmer is hugh. The box is 38 x 24 x24. When I pulled it out of the box my first reaction is I'm going to need a bigger sump.
Sorry couldn't find the camera cable
Actually the box was 42 inches high. As a referance the Bar behing the box is 42" high and the chair seat top is 33"



Will have to redo my sump and add another tank for a fuge till the big guy is ready.
Hum, I was thinking your timing for running the skimmer sounded good before, but on second thought I would run it oh like 30 seconds a day! That thing could probably clean up the Delaware Bay! :-D MORE POWER!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11860896#post11860896 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kaptken
try it on your cafe latte! keep blowing and soon enough you can stir up the sediment on the bottom of the cup.

shouldn't there be a hyperventilation warning that goes with this?