240 - corner 'vs' centre overflow

Hey guys,

Planning a 240 tank (8x2x2). I'm debating whether to have:

(a) A single large overflow chamber in the centre.
What kind of size should I get this made? I was thinking of having two 2" holes (biggest the manufacturer can do), and two 1" holes drilled in the base .... two for waste, two for return. If I am to accomodate the durso standpipes, what size should I make the overflow chamber? Will 9" x 12" be sufficient?

(b) Two smaller overflor chambers at either end.
In this situation, I was planning a single 2" and single 1" hole in each corner. Again, what size minimum would I want for the chambers?

I am leaning toward the single larger chamber. It seems like it will take up less real estate, and at the same time ld you do different if you had the chance to redesign your tank?

Thanks for your input.


I have a calfo style overflow centered on the back of my 180. It is only 3.5" front to back, but it still seems interfere with any rockwork arrangement I try. I would rather have corner overflows, or have one overflow offset to one side, applying that photography "rule of thirds" that makes photos more pleasing to look at. I don't know what to recommend for chamber or hole sizes except to use the Drain/Overflow Size calculator on the home page of this website as a rule of thumb.
been thinking more about overflows. What aboue drilling the side panels instead of the bottom, and just constructing a smaller box that doesn't go all the way to the bottom.

Anyone done this? anyone got any pics? does it look ok?


On my 300g I have two corner over flows. If I could to it again I'd one centre overflow. If I had a new tank location I'd do external centre over flow -dam/wall type.

i have always liked the center overflows on the wider tanks with a column of lr covering it. with your tank only being 24" i don't know if you could get the look right. it's your tank so go with which ever you prefer. if you let someone talk you into getting something you don't want you will regret it
Thanks for all the ibnput guys.

On my current 180 I have two 6"x6" overflows, but practically they are big enough for maintenance etc. But at the same time, I find it hard when aquascaping.

Viggen - thanks or your input, I know it seems frightfully obvious but I never considered putting a single large overflow - and I think it might be a good solution..... I'm gonna give it some serious thought. What size would you recommend?


How about an external Calfo? I love the look, takes up NO space in your tank, let's you have great access to any drains, bulkheads, and is only going to add a few inches to total depth?

Hi lhoy,

thanks for the input, but 24" depth is all I have for this one, and no real space of to speak of for the sides.

anyone gots pics or details of a large single overflow like viggen suggested?


I was thinking of something like 9" x 12", as per my original thoughts, but at one end only as viggen suggested. Any thoughts?

Regardless of which option, how do I know if I'll I get enough water over the weir? Is there a "x linear inches of weir length will give y gallons of water/hour"?

Thanks again for everyones input.


If its on a stand I like it centered in the middle. In-wall I would do outside the aquarium or on the sides. Here is mine

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9086762#post9086762 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mattsilvester
Viggen - thanks or your input, I know it seems frightfully obvious but I never considered putting a single large overflow - and I think it might be a good solution..... I'm gonna give it some serious thought. What size would you recommend?



Just noticed you are from Ireland.... VERY cool!!! Always wanted to make it there someday!! Are you a football fan? Or soccer as we call it here?

Anyways, unfortunantly I do not know how to calculate what size overflow is proper for your tank. It really depends on the amount of flow that you want to run through it. My present tank (260g) I purchased as a scratch & dent item (chipped when it was shipped thus a cheap price) & it has it's overflow centered in the back similar to the pic above. I personally do not like it this way due to these reason mostly. No matter where I put the food in the tank it's always pretty much the same distance from the overflow thus minimal time before it falls into the overflow box. My last 240g (8x2x2) had the overflow box about 10 inches in from the right back corner of the tank. This allowed me to add food about 7ft away giving all fish plenty of time to get to their food, works a LOT better!!!

Not sure who you use to make the overflow boxes & tank but they should be able to calculate the size of the box for the flow that you need. You need to determine how many bulkheads you want in there which will also help determine the size that is needed.

How many sides of the tank is viewable?

I also think it's easier to hide a single overflow & also plumb them :)
Thanks again for the input folks.

Viggen - yep, from Ireland / in Ireland. Cool it may be in many ways, but from teh point of view of our hobby it is certainly not!!! Its only in the last couple of months that a local dealer has started bringing in marine stuff - up until then I have travelled to Dublin for it - which is nearly a 500km round trip!!! and as far as getting a tank made, and overflows etc...... I won't even start! Basically, there is a local guy that s quite proficient at making a "glass box", but as far as overflows etc go..... I'd prefer to build and install my own.

I hadn't actually thought about offsetting it from one end either. Is there any particular reason for this practice. It always strikes me that with 6 or 8" in a corner, it is a potential dead spot.

By te way, do you have any pics of your tank Viggen - I note it is a FOWLR - I always like to see big FOWLR tanks - there are far less big FOWLR than reef tank pics about :-)

Thanks again to all,
I wish I had the same decision to make as my 240gal. is not drilled. I have however, looked at the same question for my future tank, and I would go with the center overflow. I have seen pics of them and would be cool because you can build your rock around it and almost hide it completely. Start with a large base of rock and go smaller as you go up - almost a pyramid affect. Looks great if done right. Good luck with the tank!
yea, I guess we are luck here in the states with the huge number of fish stores My LFS that I use is about 2 miles away from my house & a wholesale fish store is about 10 miles away. Both have been in business for 10+ years

Anyways, I with the overflow I do not feel a deadspot is a issue if the tank has enough flow. I think it's a lot easier to hide the large single overflow when it's 6-8 or so inches in from the side. However it's just personal prpeferance :)

At this time I do not have any pics due to the x-wife took the digital camera. I do plan on getting a camera one of these days & when I do I will post up :)