240 Gallon Question


New member
Ok this is my first time posting in this forum, so here is the question. I am working on a 240 gal display and need some info or ideas on the sump / fuge. Im hoping to see some pics or links to what im looking for. the tank is the standard 240 tank, 8ft x 2ft x 2ft an the guestion is I have a 180 gal acrylic tank sitting in my drive way not being used im thinking this could be a good all in one type sump, fuge, frag tank, what im stuck on is im not sure how to set this up. I would love to see some pics of your set up or if you could do it again what would you do different. I just want it to look clean and neat not like my current mess I have LOL. :)

Here is a list of what I have and also need to incorporate.

CA reactor
MR-2 skimmer

Any info is helpful
I have been piecing it together for a year now I think the hardest part was convincing my wife we realy dont need that other couch LOL :)
