240 long


New member
I bought a 240 L and I was reading that I should put a piece of foam under the tank (glass with rim). I have also read on here that you never put foam under a rimmed tank?!? I am very confused .. What should I do the tank is from www.glasscages.com and they say use foam under the tank but so many say otherwise. please help
you can foam the rim if you want, but do not foam the bottom glass panel in such a way that it supports any of the tank weight. all the weight is to be supported by the rim only.

thats my take atleast, correct me if im wrong.
if it is like my 240 from glasscages, it has very thin molding around the edged of the bottom, but it also has glass eurobracing on the inside of the bottom. i did as suggested and put foam (the 1/2" blue wall insulation at lowe's) under the tank.
If you dont put foam under it. Glasscages WILL NOT warrenty it if something happens to it. I just filled our 240 from glasscages up this weekend. its got 3/4" foam under it.
could you post a photo of the foam under the tank? im kind of confused, is it only under the bottom of the tank at the edge, or is it under it all the way?

I am going to be getting a 240gal long as well ordering in a few weeks -=) (using it for freshwater though)
the fowm goes under the whole tank including the rim. This is the only pic I have


If this is not right let me know.
what about regular AGA tanks? the bottom glass of my tank is above the bottom plastic rim. hence a "rimmed tank" i suppose. should i have foam under my tank?
The intent of the foam is to absorb any imperfections in the tank and/or stand causing point loading which can ultimately lead to a failure. The foam can go under the entire tank as long as the stand is built for a rimmed tank. Basically you don't want anything pushing up on the bottom panel of glass. Just lay the sheeting down. Once you place the tank and fill it, you can trim off the excess.
another question..

I have no idea about what kinds of corals I can keep where. I also have no stocking list either. I am going to use the fish I already have ( percula clown, yellow tang ,blue damsel) I also have a large colony of GSP (I think) and some kind of mushroom (looks like a green ricordea but not really) I am going to run 4- 250 MH at 14K. tank is 96x24x25. What are some suggestions for corals that are unusual but not too hard to keep..

I also was looking for info about what corals you can put with others so that I don't start a war!!! Everyone just help me out if you would so I can get this mystery solved because I am really wanting to get this tank up and running.

If no one can tell I am new to the reef system. other system is a FOWLR ..