250w 14k SE MH


New member
Anyone got any gently used (or not used at all) bulbs they would like to sell before I go buy some?
Im wanting to buy Phoenix but if you have other types we can talk :)
I use Hamilton 14K 250 watt SE MH bulbs... just changed my old ones out for new today. Comparing the old and new bulbs, at the surface, one new bulb showed a PAR increase of 100% over the old, the other increased PAR by about 60%. At the bottom of the tank the PAR increase was about 20%. The old Hamilton MH bulbs were a year old and are rated to be good for about 9000 hours. I will monitor the PAR on these new bulbs over several months and see how fast they decline.

Next time I need to place my MH bulbs, just for grins I'm going to buy two PlusRite MH 14K bulbs for about $15 each, put them over my tank and monitor their PAR over a six month period as well. A lot of people in the following thread have been happy with these bulbs. I ordered two UVC bulbs from the same company for about a third of my usual UVC bulbs and am happy with those.

Have you checked out the aquamax 250's. They have a beautiful blue spectrum.

Mark how have they tested? That sounds intriguing..

Jay,I thought about the PlusRite option.I bought kind of cheap bulbs to start with just to get setup quicker.Now they are about 6 months and I would really like a little more blue.So I figured Id change out and be safe.Dont have a PAR meter yet to check with.
All you have to do then, is Cook up a vat of Dr. Voo-Doo's Sure-fire chemical gumbo.

Jay will have to give you the recipe and start it for you, seeing as though nobody else can follow his recipes.
ppppppfffffffftttttttttt.... neuroscience it ain't! fercrissakes, the man cooks for a living! he can probably mix it up better than me!