Apex Spare Parts - I have a couple of Spare Apex Parts - Being Apex there is absolutely no guarantee they are going to work
The EB8s/EB832s were in use until last month. The majority of modules were in use until last month. The DOS 1 was in use the rest were sitting on a shelf. Radions are G3 Pros - all were working when they came off my 400 18 months ago. I have a big box of power supplies and probably have most of the ones needed for the equipment. Don't want to sell this one piece at a time. Buy it by the grouping - Take all the modules, or take all the DOS, or all of a.... You get the drift. Would rather trade for corals than cash. No way am I going to ship this stuff. If you come over you are welcome to plug things in and see if they light up.
Dave B / o2manyfish

Dave B / o2manyfish