26g bowfront, custom stand, chiller & MH fixture for sale


Animal Behaviorist
I have decided to take the opportunity to upgrade my system, since I already planned on tearing it down soon to clean it out, and move up to a bigger tank. This stuff will not be for sale right away, as I will need time to get the new tank ready as well as time to clean out this stuff. Should take a month (maybe less) to get everything together. (Chiller ready now.)

What will be for sale:

26 gal bowfront tank with custom stand (must go together) - $125
Information about these items: I purchased the 26 gal bowfront used, predrilled, but no overflow box for $40. I had an overflow box custom made at a local acrylic shop, this cost me $60. My boyfriend made the custom stand...it's strong enough to hold a horse - seriously. It's made using all 2x4's and 3/4" plywood and brackets screwed in anywhere we could put them. It's HEAVY. You would also get all the plumbing and return pump - Quiet One 2200. The stand fits a standard 10g tank below, the 20g high tank I wanted to put in there was just a tad too big. The stand & all plumbing cost around $75, and took a long time to put together. It's painted black. I can throw in the 10g sump too.

There's ball valves on both the return & overflow. The return has a one way valve also, so there's no back siphoning if you lose power, or shut off pumps for a water change.

Before the doors went on

You can see how the front of the stand was cut to match the bow of the tank. It's really pretty.

Left side plumbing and you can see all the room in the back. I was able to put a large box fan back there.

Overflow and durso standpipe. The end pipe has a hole cut in it so there's no slurping noise.

2x4's and brackets...just to show you the strength of this stand.

Bottom edge

Custom made doors (my boyfriend worked for a custom cabinetry company for quite awhile). I do have handles I bought to put on the doors, just never got around to do it. You're welcome to them if you want, they are brushed aluminum. Sorry the picture is washed out, my camera isn't that great.

Right side plumbing

I love love love this set up...but I am dying to get into a bigger tank.


Finnex 19" 150W MH fixture + 2x18W Actinics - $175
Information about this product: I purchased this item from Nanotuners for $300. I recently put in a Gieseman 12.5k bulb ($60), which in combo with the Actinics gives great color to the tank. I may or may not have the legs still for this item. I currently have it hanging from the ceiling, as it's just a tad shorter than the tank. It's a great looking fixture, with the great Finnex name behind it.

I just noticed I do not have any pictures of just the fixture, just of it with the tank.

Arctica Nano 1/20 hp chiller - $175.00
I just purchased this chiller less than a month ago. It was used for approximately 6 months by the previous owner. I never got it set up on my tank. I haven't needed it. I am asking exactly what I paid for it - $175.00

It comes with everything, just like brand new. Box, all guides, even a pump! This will unfortunately not be big enough for the new tank. It took awhile to find this chiller at a price I could afford and in the condition I wanted it in. The previous owner paid $300 for it (sticker is still on the box.)

No pictures of this, but can get some if needed.

The chiller is available immediately, as it's not currently installed on the tank.

I will not have any live rock available for sale. I may have to sell my clams, depending on which light fixture I am going to purchase for the new tank. If thats the case, I will also have a 5" blue crocea (in the photo) & a 5-6" gold, teardrop maxima (not in the photo) for sale. They are on the same rock, so must be sold together - $75.

Let me know if anyone has any questions.
PM sent.

If anyone wants...when I clean out the tank, I can see about painting the edges of it black to match the stand. I didn't bother to do it as I didn't really care, but I just noticed it looks a bit silly. :)