I thought I'd show everyone the fish I now have in the 280. All the other tanks have been broken down and all livestock is somewhere within the system.
here's what I have in the 280 - most likely it is full:
2 - Ventralis anthias (Longfin Anthias)â€"œ mated pair
6 - Halichoeres chrysus (Yellow Wrasse) â€"œ (1 - mated pair)
1 - Cirrhilabrus lubbocki (Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse)
1 - Wetmorella nigropinnata (Possum Wrasse)
1 - Paracheilinus cyaneus (Blue Flasher Wrasse)
1 - Acanthurus pyroferus (½ Black Mimic Tang)
1 - Siganus magnifica (Magnificent Foxface rabbitfish)
2 - Amphiprion ocellaris (Black - Black ocellaris Clownfish) â€"œ Mated pair
1 - Amblyeleotris randalli (Randall's Goby)
1 - Cryptocentrus cinctus (Yellow Watchman Goby)
1 - Nemateleotris decora (Purple Firefish)
2 - Gobiodon atrangulatus (Green Clown Goby) - Mated pair
1 - Stonogobiops yashia (Yashia White Ray Shrimp Goby)
12 - Chromis viridis (Blue/Green Chromis)
1 - Istiblennius chrysospilos (Red Spot Blenny)
1 - Ecsenius lineatus (Linear Blenny)
Here are a few photos - not all but just a few
This is a Siganus magnifica - Rabbitfish. When stressed he gets gray looking - really looks sick. This is what he looked like when we first put him in the tank.
Now he's loving his new home
Closeup and yes those fins are poisonous!
Acanthurus pyroferus - half Mimic Tang. I've had this guy for over a year and got the pleasure of watching him change.
Istiblennius chrysospilos - Red Spot Blenny. This guy is new to the tank and is wonderful to watch. He is probably the fastest fish in the tank - lightning speed!
Little close up of the little guy!