280G+ Starphire In-Wall Build by ReefArtist

erics3000 - yes it is nice but let me tell you it's not been easy taking care of all the other tanks while you're trying to build another. That said it would be soooo hard to sell my livestock once I have them established in the tank - not sure if I could. That's the reason I still have freshwater - I've had them forever and will until the last one is gone.

boydx6 - yeah you do need to get back over here. A lot of things have changed from page 4 of this build! You know you and your family are always welcome :).
wowee. i cant wait. you plan on keeping this thread going for at least a few years right? thats gonna look sooo sweet as soon as all thoes frags grow in! im excited thinking about it and it sucks cuz i wanna see it right now! very well done!
Wow Carol, that tank rocks. Cant wait to see all those corals grown out in there. They have so much room to grow hehe. NICE WORK!!!
Oh - they love each other. They hang out together all the time and I did get one male in the group - he's already paired up with one of the females. They've been doing the "Love Dance" on the top of the water for the last few days. Wonderful to watch them act natural. The Chromis are getting together in one of my big SPS corals - kind of huddling together. They are actually doing it right now - this is so cool!
The thing is, I don't have the Alpha Male Yellow Wrasse with them yet - that will change everything! He's about 10x their size - LOL. Same with the larger female - she's about 5x larger so that is going to be very interesting. That was the reason I put the new smaller four in first - this will give them a change to know what's going on and places to hide - the big guys will be at a disadvantage at first.
Hey Pedro,
Things are coming along. It's so nice to have livestock in it, they are so lively it's incredible. I'm getting the AC3 programmed now and the main problem was location. You only have 10' of wire between units (MAX), that sounds like a lot but for one all the cables they put with the units are 7' and by the time the wires are dressed the few feet you had to run iis gone - LOL. I have most of it finished now - as far as the DC units. I might have to pick up some 10' telephone cords - I'm not one to let my cables just hang loose, but that would make it easier :twitch:.

I'm hoping Sunday to get a few things done (break down 75g tank) and get some lights on the other tanks. I still have a long ways to go - but fish and corals are in the tank!
I cant believe how much work you did on the entire set up! The whole thing looks great. I just spent the last two and a half hours reading the entire thread. I am impressed, and I will continue to follow the progress and additions.
Carol, looking good. I got most of my plumbing done yesterday and got the tank in the house. I am making the durso's, supporting the return plumbing and building the pvc racks for the rock today. Hopefully I will find the time to get the OM-4 way plumbed as well.
Jason1520 - Thank you very much. It means a lot to me when someone takes the time and reads my tread.

Stephen - It's about time you get moving on that - lol. I don't know how you do it all - of course you could put those little ones to work painting - HAHA. Bruce told me all about the fun they all had!

OK - here's my latest photo - the 75g is now down! The Sea Horses are in their new home (Not the best of lighting but works for a few days). All the fish made it without any big issues - of course I haven't seen the large wrasse nor his mate since yesterday - they buried themselves so I really hope to see them today sometime. I am a little worried about the large male - he didn't take the move real good.

Tank as of 01/13/08

Front view


Side view - I'm really glad I put the tank part way into the living room - I love the view from the sides.

I'll have some fish shots here shortly :)
I thought I'd show everyone the fish I now have in the 280. All the other tanks have been broken down and all livestock is somewhere within the system.

here's what I have in the 280 - most likely it is full:
2 - Ventralis anthias (Longfin Anthias)â€"œ mated pair
6 - Halichoeres chrysus (Yellow Wrasse) â€"œ (1 - mated pair)
1 - Cirrhilabrus lubbocki (Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse)
1 - Wetmorella nigropinnata (Possum Wrasse)
1 - Paracheilinus cyaneus (Blue Flasher Wrasse)
1 - Acanthurus pyroferus (½ Black Mimic Tang)
1 - Siganus magnifica (Magnificent Foxface rabbitfish)
2 - Amphiprion ocellaris (Black - Black ocellaris Clownfish) â€"œ Mated pair
1 - Amblyeleotris randalli (Randall's Goby)
1 - Cryptocentrus cinctus (Yellow Watchman Goby)
1 - Nemateleotris decora (Purple Firefish)
2 - Gobiodon atrangulatus (Green Clown Goby) - Mated pair
1 - Stonogobiops yashia (Yashia White Ray Shrimp Goby)
12 - Chromis viridis (Blue/Green Chromis)
1 - Istiblennius chrysospilos (Red Spot Blenny)
1 - Ecsenius lineatus (Linear Blenny)

Here are a few photos - not all but just a few :)


This is a Siganus magnifica - Rabbitfish. When stressed he gets gray looking - really looks sick. This is what he looked like when we first put him in the tank.


Now he's loving his new home :)


Closeup and yes those fins are poisonous!


Acanthurus pyroferus - half Mimic Tang. I've had this guy for over a year and got the pleasure of watching him change.


Istiblennius chrysospilos - Red Spot Blenny. This guy is new to the tank and is wonderful to watch. He is probably the fastest fish in the tank - lightning speed!


Little close up of the little guy!
Last edited:
Yes - a few more :)


Cryptocentrus cinctus - Yellow Watchman. Yes he has a symbiotic relationship with a pepermint shrimp - LOL.


Ecsenius lineatus - Linear Blenny. One of the most entertaining fish in the tank. He has been a great addition!


Paracheilinus cyaneus - Blue Flasher. he is a beautiful fish and loves looking at himself.


We can't forget Sushi - lived in my sump for over two months. He now has a home right in the front part of the tank.


Ventralis anthias (Longfin Anthias) â€"œ Oh these are beautiful - They both are now coming out with everyone - very big step. both are eating very well.


Longfin again - with a little red spot in the corner :). I hope everyone enjoyed!

samson78945 - thank you very much, I'm just now getting to enjoy all the hard work. I still have months of work until it's finished but I can now see the light :).

Mike - Oh the Red Spot is one of my favorite Blennies and he is a character. The two blennies do bicker a little but nothing but a little chasing. My "Fred Flintstone" house that I made out of clay has become very popular - it belongs to Fred (Red Spot Blenny) - LOL. He defends his house! In the photo above he's sticking his head out one of the windows - :D.


Here's the Ecsenius lineatus (Linear Blenny) cleaning out his new home. I guess he didn't like the sand in it.
Carol, when I met you @ FAIOS and I was drooling over John's SPS tank and you said "I don't get the SPS thing, I don't think I am going to add any to my tank once it is going. It must be a guy thing to have a SPS tank." Now look at you with all those "colorful little sticks!" I am glad to see that you switched to the dark side. :)