29 Gallon Tank Setup - Can I add a Six-line Wrasse?



I saw a Six-Line Wrasse in the store the other day and really liked its behavior, and how it was very active. I was wondering if this will work in my 29-gallon high tank. I have the following:

Current USA Orbit Marine LED 18-24"
Reef Octopus Classic 100 Skimmer
Aquaclear 50 (foam removed)
150 Watt Eheim heater
ATO with 2-gallon reservoir
Aquatic Life RODI
29 Gallon All glass aquarium
30 lbs rock
40lbs Caribbean Live Sand

Cleanup crew - Reefcleaners 29 gallon snail pack
Prawn Watchman Goby (suppose to be yellow but its more gray
Pistol Shrimp
Purple Firefish
2 Ocellaris Clownfish
Bubble tip anemone

Red Montipora coral
Candycane coral
Texas trash coral (in sandbed away from rock)
Toadstool Leather Coral
Taylor Purple Tree
Pom Pom Xenia
Green Star Polyp
Mystic Sunset Montipora
Neon Green Spongode Monti
Violet Cespitularia
Red People Eaters
Leptoseris (Green with orange circles... not sure exactly which Leptoseris)

I feed everything New Life Spectrum Marine Formula small sinking pellets
Also, the coral get ReefRoids

Any feedback on my setup will be appreciated, as will opinion on the Six-Line Wrasse.

The other night I noticed two tiny white spots crawling on my glass and I got worried they might be flatworms, which I think the Wrasse would eat. They were too small for me to tell, but I'll keep an eye on them with my red LED light. Might be something that came in on a frag.

The six line will be fine but may be the last fish you ever add as he gets territorial

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The white creepy crawly spots on the glass could just be copepods.

As far as the six line, I wouldn't. They are always on the top of the list for things people wish they wouldn't have added.

A possom wrasse might be a better option
Yup, attitude x 100, great looking fish, fast and fun to watch, but unfortunately, the tank is to small for this territorial nightmare.....
I would not add the six line wrasse. They get very aggressive, particularly as the mature and especially in a tank under 100 gallons. I agree they are both beautiful and active, but they are also known to kill fish three times their size. I've had two during my long saltwater career and while they still rank as one of my favorite fish to watch, I will never risk adding one to one of my tanks again.
In the way back my wife's favorite tank was the 29 gallon, cobbled metal halide semi reef like tank.

Yellow tang, smith damsel, and a sixline.

With the right neighbors it can be a fine fish. What you have now may not fair as well.
I have had one in two of my tanks and have never had an issue with either of them.

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I agree. with your current livestock now, I do not thing the 6-line will be the right choice. You probably can do a flasher wrasse.
The white creepy crawly spots on the glass could just be copepods.

As far as the six line, I wouldn't. They are always on the top of the list for things people wish they wouldn't have added.

A possom wrasse might be a better option

Yes to the possom wrasse, mine is always out hanging around the rock work. I also think it would work with your other fish and size tank.