3+ head todds torch F.S.



I am interested, I can pick it up on Thursday evening. Let me know, PM'd ya.
Joe A
First off, welcome to URS!!!!!! :beer:

Secondly, these threads are very old and just so you are in the know, when TT's are listed for sale, they never last more than a day let alone an hour.
My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who is going with the girl who saw Todd with a field of Todd's Torches and he was charging $25 a head.
Who ever bought that from me should give me a piece back lol. I was thinking on a nano tank.
I just missed the cube f.s.
MarksReef ,I Have some advice ,I got out for a while.Got back in, thought a nano would be enough,trust me It's not!. I'm just starting my third build in three years; all bigger than the last.