3 Monti's

Hef! you inspired me to grow my caps together like that. Initially do I just put them close together, without touching and let them grow into each other OR did you just place them touching each other and let them duke it out?
Well, the Green was there first, alone for a few months. I added the Orange, it was not touching at first, it was mounted to a rock, so the Rock was sitting on the Green.
I really got lucky with the Purple. I was looking for a place to put it, it also was on a rock, and it just fit perfectly where it is.

It's probably a good idea to not just put them on top of each other, but let them slowly move into each other. When they do touch on the edge, they dont Burn and Die like other corals.

I'm getting some cool formations up where the Purple meets the Green.

Good Luck.
Whiskey, it's not an easy pic to get. I didnt mention it on this thread. In the photo forum, I explained how I wrapped the Lens Extender with Cellophane, and actually stuck the lens in the water. Not the wisest thing to do with a good camera, but it was safe.

I'll try to get another soon.

No I dont notice faster growth. These things grow fast once they take off, They all seem to grow at a fairly even pace.

I did just frag some pieces off the Green recently, to keep it from hitting that strawberry colored Acro on the left. Now that causes a good fight.