300 cycle ?'ss


New member
I've got my new tank set up and running. Its a 300gl display with a 135gl sump.
The water has been going for 3 days now clearing up and what not. There's no rock in there yet and my lights won't be in for another 10 days.
I'm wondering if i should just leave the water mix till my lights arrive without adding any rock yet to avoid die-off?
The old tank has roughly 200lbs of liverock that ive had for 5-6 yrs. I plan to use baserock to add once the upgrade/transfer happens.
Any thoughts on avoiding a huge cycle? A short mini-cycle is expected.

Should I cycle while waiting for my lights, knowing there will still be a mini-cycle when i transfer everything?
Or do you think i can get away with adding nothing now, and doing it all in one transfer?
Is the water up to temp and SG? If so add the old rock you shouldn't have any die off. Did you use all new water?

When I upgraded from a 150 to my current 240 I only had a little diatom bloom. I stepped up my water changes before the move, then when I did the changes I put the water from the 150 into the 240. I also mixed up new water to offset the size increase and the day before a buddy and myself spent a few hours taking water from one tank to the other so both tanks would have the same stuff in it. Then the next day I added everything from the 150 into the 240 without a problem.
Yeah if the new tanks has good parameters you should be fine. I moved 300lbs of live rock from a 110 to a 500 and everything went good. I also moved water from the 110 to the 500 over a period of 3 weeks or so.