300 gallon tank planning help


New member
I am planning to put in a new 300 -400 gallon tank in my new house. I had a 220 in wall in my old house but couldn't take it with me so I am planning a little bigger one for the new house. I am looking at a 96" L X30" W X 24 or 30" tall tank at this time, I might have to go down to a 72" long tank depending on what the feed back is.

My issue is this, the only place that I can put the new tank is in a location where I do not have any room for additional equipment accept for in the stand so sayith the wife. Most large tanks that I saw when I was putting up my old tank and again for this tank all have a fish room that they can utilize for extra equipment and room. What advise do you have for me with planning a new tank that can only have the equipment into a stand?

Right now I am hoping that I can build in a sump and Refugium or a comb of both in the same container. I have my old skimmer that was actually too big for my old tank and prefect for this one. With that in the sump I know I need to have the tank at least 3 feet off the floor. I am planning on keeping SPS, LPS and a ton of fish. I am not sure what else I can put in with the limited space I need.

Thanks in advance.


I have a 300 gallon acrylic tank 8ft 30 wide 24 tall I have a 100 gallon sump (all glass standard) has refugium and seperate pump and skimmer compartments, using oceanrunner 6500 for return was going to use 2 but 1 was adequate 4 evolution 1400's for tank circulation and octopus 5000 xp in sump skimmer still have room underneath sump for chiller or other equipment like calcium reactor uv sterilizer.My stand is 38 1/2 inches tall and my skimmer barely clears had to raise it due to my baffles being too high.
Hello Pat,

Greetings to the former MASK member.

Enjoy the project ... sounds like an fun one. Too long of a road trip for a monthly meeting however.

Bruce (Hawk)
Have you thought about going UP?
You can go all the way to the ceiling. Some people like that "full built in" look.
Basically, put a shallow refugium/sump above the tank, with the skimmer/etc in that.
Then underneath it is almost all sump.
Lots of weight and wet stuff above your lights.
Painful, but possible.