300DD in planning stages


Premium Member
I will be putting a Marineland 300DD in my new basement (new to me), with the equipment room behind the wall behind the tank.

The walls in the equipment room seep if it rains a lot (house is 50 years old, with settlement cracks in basement walls). I will initially try sealing this off with Drylock (hydraulic cement plus paint). Worst case, I'll pay Bdry. It's not much - a dehumidifier handles it easily now; I just want to fix it before I put my Rubbermaid sump, fuge, and frag tank in there.

I plan to get a mini split A/C for the humidity with the new system.

I have a couple questions. The tank will sit on a concrete floor that has Pergo flooring on it. What's the best way to level the tank? Wooden shims under the stand?

What do you big tank experts recommend for a skimmer? I have an Aqua-C on my current 135g, but I've never been pleased with the amount of skimmate produced by it.

Anyone have experience with Ledtric Infuse LEDs?
I have the same tank as you are planning to use with total volume of 500gal and I am running reef octopus ro-5000ext and it keeps up with ease.