300g marineland pumps and returns????


New member
Im installing my deep dimension 300g marineland aquarium.

Bought 2 Sicce 5 pumps... at ~5ft head pressure both should put out about 1100gph per charts online for a total of 2200gph

I have 2 kits for the pumps and overflow but they have 1" returns to sump and 3/4 from pump to tank.

Will this be enough? I am hesitant right now... I don't think it will be enough for return.

What you think?
The two 1" returns will only handle about 1600gph, I run a 1100gph and a 480gph pump on mine and when they where new and clean the overflows where full.
I believe you have enough for the return. The tank will not drain faster than you put water back in as the water level inside the tank is variable.
That should be good flow throughout the tank.... Wish you had 1 1/4 " to 2" bulkheads in case you decide to add more flow to the tank
Use additional power heads to create more flow in your tank. You can only push the overflows so hard before the become noisy. Also, it will generate to fast of a current through the sump. You'll want to keep that slow and steady so that it has time to work correctly.