300G system, no skimmer


New member
I am setting up a 300G reef tank.
I dont want to use a skimmer becasue it takes out usfull food from the water, that can be used by coral and many organisms on live rock that would normaly starve in normal reef tank.
In stead i am using lots of live rock and macro alge as a filter and i am olso going to do a 50% water change twice a week.
I am going to be feeding a lot with micoalgae, live mysis shrimp and other live foods.

Would my system be okay without the skimmer?
My prediction: You will get tired of changing 300g of water every week. Thats two large buckets of salt a week. Call me nutty, but I would get tired of it. By doing 50% water changes, twice a week, arent you siphoning out some useful food still? This will start a whole new debate on Fuge Vs. Skimmer, but I personally would run a skimmer on a tank that sized. Maybe if it was under 100g, itd be a different case.
Doing 50% twice a week is too much IMO and it will probably stress out the corals too. I would use a skimmer because it pulls out alot of what other sources of fltration can't.
I think you could get by without a skimmer, but like others said 2 buckets of salt a week! I think you would be better off doing smaller water changes maybe 5% 2 times a week? Or you could get a small skimmer that wouldnt over skim.
If you are seriously looking to, yes you would be able to go with a skimmerless 300 gallon tank. It will take research and time. Becuase of the amount of water it will probobly be easier to maintain then a smaller tank without a skimmer. (i have a skimmerless 75 that i love) If the ocean can do it naturally why do we need all the fancy bells and whistles? My advice would be to post in the reef discussion section and see what everyone thinks for a refugium setup. There are many types that you can do and it really comes down to how you want it to function. IMO i would go with the largest you can fit underneath the stand or the largest that you can fit into your fish room. Use as much biological filtration as possible, your tank should have about 300+ lbs of liverock. So inside your sump i would advise putting a chamber for cheto algae. (lighted on a reverse cycle of your tank) Another chamber with about 6" of sand, with seagrass (that is also lit on a reverse cycle) and then to the return pump. A great thing to look into is a Algae Turf Scrubber if you would be able to incorporate this in your system it will be a huge bonus!
sorry for double posting, but i just wanted to say that i HAVEN'T done a water change in about 9 months, and i'll show you some pics. (they are a little old) Another key aspect is FLOW. Corals love it and your fish will to


Not very well thought out. The water changes will remove as much "stuff" as the skimmer, with out providing the gas exchange and pH assistance that a skimmer provides. The additional cost, workload, coral stress, etc will get old fast.
Prob wont work..skimmers are very important.. especially on such a large system. If you don't skim you will have to do lots of water changes..the amount of water that you will have to change weekly or bi weekly will most likely stress your corals/fish and by doing so many water changes you will be taking out the good anyways. Also with so many water changes with that large of a system you will need lots of salt.. why not just save the salt $ and use it on buying a good skimmer for your system? who wants to do that many water changes on a large reef anyways? instead you could be taking the time to enjoy it!
If things don't work out, it's easy enough to add a skimmer later. Give it a shot!

I have a skimmer on my system but it's really undersized for it. Everything looks great so far though, and I do have room to add another skimmer (I already have it, just haven't put it in the sump yet) but I'm holding off for now.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I am doing a 5% wc (44 g) per week.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12618651#post12618651 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sltloser
If the ocean can do it naturally why do we need all the fancy bells and whistles?

Lol that poor kid doesnt know what hes playing in, does he? lol.

Skimmers make life so much easier. I really dont remember the last time I Did a water change. I just skim pretty wet, and top off with water at about 1.10 salinity or so (I can kinda guess by now). The skimmer in essence does water changes for me. I couldnt imagine going the opposite way around =)
yes the ocean does use a "skimmer" but look at the trillions of gallons it holds, and all the nutrients that are in it also...if you want to talk to someone about it go to www.marinedepot.com ask eric about it and he'll be able to help you with it
50% twice a week of water change on 300G? you sure are hiring a full time job to take care of your 300G tank. If you decide to do it yourself, prepare of fulltime job for you also... then you would hire someone to enjoy your tank because you are too busy doing water change and there is no time to relax or enjoying your tank anyway :)
You can try it w/o skimmer and can add skimmer a long the way when you feel it's needed.