30g and 46g tank


New member
Hey guys and gals,

I got a 30g long and a 46 bowfront tank I am in need to sell. The problem is they can only be used for general purposes, like QT or a sump. They are scratched and I would definitely not recommend you use them as a dt unless you are blind :)

The 30g long I scooped up with a minor leak i didn't find yet since I tried to get it to fit under my 90 but i was f-ed by 1 inch and had to revert back to my 20 long. so I had lost 15 bucks which is how much the tank cost me. the plastic rim is busted it doesn't hurt this tank used as a sump. I am asking what i paid which is again 15 bucks for it.

The 46g bowfront is majorly scratched but if you are about using qt's this tank can work great or be used for stoarge of other items if you sell from home, culturing rock ..etc etc. 15 bucks for the 46bf.

Thanks guys,
