30g tank breakdown

Joe Cool

New member
I'm getting ready to move and don't want to take the tank with me.
I'm located in Boca near Palmetto and Military right behind the Town Center mall. Everything for $400 or separate prices listed.

Livestock has to go first.
All fish are free to a good home
2 clowns
3 blue/green chromis
1 black sailfin blenny
20-25 pounds of dry rock that has been seeded $40

Deep Blue 30 gallon rimless Reef Ready frag tank (24x24x12) + DIY unfinished stand $150
E-Shoppes RS100 sump $80
Sicce 1.5 return pump $40
SWC 120 skimmer $120
JBJ automatic top off with 5.5 gallon reservoir and TOM Aqua lifter pump $40
Air Water Ice Typhoon 3 RODI $100
i'll take the RO/DI and skimmer


ill take the pump if its still relatively new i may also be into the rock and some other items just setting up a Nuvo 38 so ill be needing lots if you like call me 954-448 three five three 5