30in tank depth


New member
Hi all, wanted to get some opinions on whether you consider a 30in deep tank a pain to access all parts of the tank for whatever. I am finishing my basement and am trying to decide on a large tank either 24 or 30in deep.
I would go deeper actually.
I'm currently planning a 34" so just slightly less than 3ft

I've done 28" before and this wasn't really an issue.
The issue I have is with cleaning the front pannel. On a glass tank its not bad, but my new acrylic tank its a bear! Hard to reach the bottom to clean at the sand line. One of those long reach tools works great for moving and placing coral or rock. Long tongs for feeding. I enjoy the big 30" pannel for viewing. Personal preferance is all.
Aesthetically, Deeper is better, imo more realistic. I have had a 32" depth and hated maintenance. Now I have 23" depth and love it.