33g corner bow front lighting question


New member
Welli just wanted to know if 1 70w mh is strong enugh for my 33g.
it is 19in high and will have a sand bed. Some one help me before i make a mistake and buy it. :)
I would go 150 if you don't mind the extra electricity, and you've probably got better bulb choices at that level. You'll also get extra light (and heat of course) but you'll be able to keep anything.

With a 70w you'll be able to keep anything (I imagine) though some acros might brown out, though they'll be alive.
yea that would be fine. For something that small, you could even consider T5s, but I'm sure you've got reasons for choosing MH over T5 as it is. I just wouldn't use PCs.

For what it sounds like you're setting up, 150 or 70w should be fine. Just be careful in a small environment like that with keeping an anemone and anything else. I imagine it'll sting and/or eat everything else in there, and the water params have to be rock stable for it to survive and thrive.