New-ish to the hobby!


New member
Hey all

This is my build. Just filled it on the 1st

10 Gallon bow front with more dry rock than I know what to do with.

Background- 15 yrs ago I had an 90+30 display with sump. It failed miserably as I was broke, using tap water and new to the hobby(never got out of the ugly stage and couldn’t afford a clean up crew). However I accumulated a TON of rock and some equipment.

So now I have this small bow front, after a shallow sand bed, and all this rock, we’re using RODI water, aqua forest sea salt mix, a HOB for 30 gal tank that I’ll put cheato in at a later date. I have a wave maker, so I’ll add in another powerhead sometime soon.

A fluval nano sea light that I’m learning how to set up, when I did it before LEDs were prohibitively expensive.

I was going to use nutrafin cycle but there’s a lot of stuff coming off my old rock so I might hold off and see what happens in a few days testing wise.

The plan is to have a couple clowns, maybe a coupl designer clowns and a pile of crabs and shrimp, frog spawn, hammers, zoas and other lps.

Any pointers are welcome!

After 5 days, my ammonia is 4 ish, my ph is 6.0.

Not really concerned as I know this is all part of the cycle

***these pics are from the day it was filled, it has now had some rock removed so I can establish much better flow***


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Welcome back to the hobby! You were not kidding when you said had plenty of dry rock! You will probably develop enough biological filtration with the bottom layer of rock scape. Not saying you should rearrange or get rid of the second layer, but you could add so much more "open swim space" and still keep the biological filter for the two clowns and inverts.

Eventually your coral could also grow into that space...

Just my two cents. Following along as well!
Welcome! I agree with the above. Also with LPS, you’ll likely need to dose 2 part or similar unless you do regular water changes to maintain levels
Thanks for all the feedback!! I have moved some rock out of the tank to make more room and create more flow.

My ammonia is definitely spiking with all the dead stuff haha, but I can’t seem to get my PH to where it should be. Tried an api and fluval test kit, both give the same results so I have ordered a digital one.

My carbonate hardness is 125ppm and my calcium is over 500 so I’m assuming it’s got to do with the cycle.