375g Reef + Fish Room (Plans)


New member
I am in the Middle of planning a large build. I want a 375g reef buit into the wall with a fish room behind the display. Like I said in the Title these are only plans so far. I do not even own the house this will go into yet! So I really can't show any pictures of where the fish room will be or the layout of the potential fish room!

I know I am going to purchase a 375g Reef Ready with Starphire front panel from Glasscages.com. I will also be purchasing the 100g sump to tie into a very sophisticated plumbing process. Not too much unlike others I have seen on these forums. (Most Likely Using the EdnandSandy system)

On my list for initial purchase is:

375g Reef Ready w/Starphire Front Panel
100g Sump (Will Show Plans For Sump Build)
70g Rubbermaid Stock Tanks (X2)
65g Vertical Tanks (X2)
Xtreme Typhoon III (RO/DI) w/TDS Alarm (Dual TDS Meter)
Reeflo Orca 250 Skimmer
Geo KR818 Calcium Reactor
Liter Meter Dosing System (For Constant Water Changes)(5gpd)

75w UVL VHO AquaSun Bulb 10,000K 100% White Spectrum (X8)(24in)
75w UVL VHO AquaSun Bulb 100% Blue Spectrum (X4) (24in)
2ft IceCap T5 4-Lamp Complete Retrofit Kit (w/Ballasts/Reflectors)(X3)
IceCap 400W MH Retrofit w/20K XM Bulb/SpiderLight Reflector(X2)
IceCap LED Flat Moonlight (X12)

I would like some feedback on anything I have listed.

Also help on determining:
What kind of chiller I need if any?
What kind of powerheads are the best and how many?
The best auto top off system to get?
The best external pump for my returns and water system?

I would also like to know if I should get:
A UV Steralizer (What does it do and is it a plus?)
A CO2 Regulator (What does it do and is it a plus?)

Then of course anything anyone else can think of that will help!!!

I will be adding some diagrams later on as well to detail my lighting plan and my fish room layout!
Now is the time to start planning... after all, you'll want to buy a home that will fit your tank and fish room... :D

That is what I was thinkging, lol. If I get my dream job that I have applied for recently this will happen alot sooner, lol.

Here is a diagram of what my hood is going to look like. I plan on keeping a variety of all types of corals so I mixed the T5 VHO's and the Metal Halides. Hopefully this will work out but since it is still in the planning stage it can always change. Please give me your input.


This shows were I will put the T5's, Metal Halides, and the Moonlights.

I'm going to make my light fixture very similar to the way Lightsluvr did theirs.

Any debates?
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Also with the lights everything will be plugged in above the set up. It will be hanging by two swinging arms so that the lights can easily be swung up out of the way. I can see it in my mind and its hard to explain but just picture the big swinging boat at six flags.

It will be kind of like that but only swing back and out of the way of the tank. Almost all the way up to the ceiling.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
We had a TON of help from a lot of friends here at RC,
We were inspired by GlassReefs system... Check out his thread.
I am a little curious at what price tag you would put on your overall project?? I'm just wandering how much I am going to have to save!!!
I need input on something......

If I had an under the stand sump with my 375gallon but wanted to also have a rubbermaid live rock tub, and a rubbermaid chaeto tub/refugium how would I set it up.

I was thinking that the 100g under the stand sump would have a refugium in the middle. It would go out into the rubbermaid live rock tank, then into the rubbermaid chaeto/refugium, and then back to the display.

I want my under the stand refugium/sump to also house frags so it will have a light for growth. I would also like to have some macro algae in that sump.

The live rock tub would be for various reasons, to cure live rock to sell to local reefers, have rubble to put frags on instead of using plugs, and to have more biological filtration.

What does everyone think??
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15359363#post15359363 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefGuyFergie
I am a little curious at what price tag you would put on your overall project?? I'm just wandering how much I am going to have to save!!!

Sorry, I did answer this question, some how it didn't post.....
We had a set budget, and yes we went over! You have to remember that we added an entire room to our home, we also had to spend $$$$$$ on the plumbing, HVAC and electrical.
The plumbing and the HVAC was higher than the bid. What can you do at this point....
On saving, you really have to ask yourself what kind of equipment do you have and do you want to upgrade???
set the budget and then DOUBLE IT!........

Good Luck!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15363740#post15363740 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefGuyFergie
I need input on something......

If I had an under the stand sump with my 375gallon but wanted to also have a rubbermaid live rock tub, and a rubbermaid chaeto tub/refugium how would I set it up.

I was thinking that the 100g under the stand sump would have a refugium in the middle. It would go out into the rubbermaid live rock tank, then into the rubbermaid chaeto/refugium, and then back to the display.

I want my under the stand refugium/sump to also house frags so it will have a light for growth. I would also like to have some macro algae in that sump.

The live rock tub would be for various reasons, to cure live rock to sell to local reefers, have rubble to put frags on instead of using plugs, and to have more biological filtration.

What does everyone think??

Have you read this thread by Lightsluvr's ???
I have read that thread its one of my favorites too!!

Ive decided to cut down on pumps and after talking to everyone that it would be better to have my display drain into the Live Rock tub which will be elevated. That tub drain into the fuge tub and also back into the skimmer partition. The fuge tub will drain directly into the return.

Then it will all be returned to the display. Thus only using one pump in that whole process. Plus the pods from the fuge will make it back to the display and not be skimmed off.

This was the help of a couple of local reefers from our local forum.
The guys at the local reef club also helped me out with a closed loop idea. I'm going to go with an 8 way which can be found here:

8 Way Closed Loop Oceans Motions

It seems like it will be pretty awesome. Trying to figure out everything where my electric bill wont be $1000 a month after setting everything up.

I think I have figured out everything to where only 2 pumps will be used for the system.

Thats not including the water change and mixing pumps. Which those will only be used periodically and not constantly.

Just wanted to show off one of my fish that I have in my 120 Gallon. Its a beautiful sail fin tang. Hopefully it will make it and be one of my first inhabitants in my 375g when I get it all planned and completed.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15373579#post15373579 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefGuyFergie
The guys at the local reef club also helped me out with a closed loop idea. I'm going to go with an 8 way which can be found here:

8 Way Closed Loop Oceans Motions

It seems like it will be pretty awesome. Trying to figure out everything where my electric bill wont be $1000 a month after setting everything up.

I think I have figured out everything to where only 2 pumps will be used for the system.

Thats not including the water change and mixing pumps. Which those will only be used periodically and not constantly.

OM is a nice product, but remember you will only be using 1 or 2 ports at a time...in whatever sequence you choose an adaptor...to me it seemed like a waste of pumping capacity... plus the piping to an 8-way OM looks like a plumber's nightmare... :eek1:


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15377234#post15377234 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefGuyFergie

Just wanted to show off one of my fish that I have in my 120 Gallon. Its a beautiful sail fin tang. Hopefully it will make it and be one of my first inhabitants in my 375g when I get it all planned and completed.

That is a beautiful sailfin...

Is there a closed loop set up that uses more than just 1 or 2 ports??

I would really like to be able to set up a closed loop that has alot of flow. Would it be bad to set something up that will run all eight ports constantly?? Everyone says you want it set up like a wave maker but I would be willing to consider alot of different ideas before being set on one way.

I want to set something up that will eliminate the need for alot of powerheads. Maybe only a couple to fill in a dead spot or two. What does everyone think will be the best solution?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15377336#post15377336 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefGuyFergie
Is there a closed loop set up that uses more than just 1 or 2 ports??

Mine uses five CL returns, all in the tank bottom.

I have seen others that have multiple returns, either through the back wall, or over the wall with PVC...

Thanx Lightsluvr.

I'm thinking about getting two quads and having 4 run at once instead of getting the 8 and running only 2. I can get a big pump (taking suggestions on a pump) that will run all 4 and have alot of waterflow.

I will probably get a couple of powerheads also to supplement the dead areas in the tank. (Also taking suggestions on those) I was considering Koralias.
I would ditch the closed loop and get 4 Vortecs. That should be enough flow for some time. They use less Watts, are cleaner looking, you dont have to worry about leaky bulkheads or drill holes, and you are not reliant on one massive pump for all your flow.
That is a good point Triton. I have heard alot of good things about Vortecs also. Thanx for the input.

What would you think about 4 Vortecs and a 4 way closed loop? That way you have a wide variety of circulation.

Place the Vortecs on a wave maker and then have a drum that rotates port 1&3 and Port 2&4. You dont have to rely on any one thing for all of your circulation and it covers alot of water.

Is that over kill or am I on the right track??
I wouldnt add the closed loop at all. It seems like lots of people with closed loops end up adding powerheads anyway and it kinda defeats the logic of using a closed loop to hide pumps. Just compare the two:

Closed Loop
-clean look (if you aquascape correctly)
-potentially powerful
-cant move pumps once installed
-holes in tank kill the resale value of the tank
-expensive pump runs 24/7
-maintanence of OM
-bulkheads could leak destroying the tank, equipment underneath, and house
-Plumbing, plumbing, and more plumbing

-clean look (especially if backround is black)
-excellent flow
-different modes of flow
-moveable (good when corals grow in)
-can communicate with each other
-battery backup prevent loss during power outage
-good resale value

Seems like a no brainer to me ;)