Been on here a year and just found the large tank thread. Anyhow I want to post my thread here since I will probably get a good response. Here's my story...all started here...
Hey guys, I may have an opportunity to pick up a good deal on a huge tank with stand and canopy. 380 gallons to be exact. my dilemma is that I live in a mobile home, double wide. The tank is 8' long so weight will be spread out somewhat. Would a tank of this size and weight be okay in a mobile home? I know that the home has steel runners every 6-8' under it for support. Another option would be to put it in my garage (which is too large to heat). The aquarium is acrylic. Would it be okay through the winter? Just trying to look at my options before I commit to buying a beast of a tank. Later on down the road I may get a bigger house and I would have a nice display tank for the house. Any opinions or experiences with big tanks and mobile homes?
and then I committed to buying it...
OK guys, I've committed to buying this monster of a tank...380 gallons. It is 96x24x36. I am going to put it in the house and fit it to look like its built in the wall. Here is some pics of it currently where it is at. I am going to be picking it up next weekend in Indianapolis. Man you talk about butterflies in my stomach...I can't hardly wait..
I will probably use the stand and make a new canopy. For the finish I will use a nice grain wood covering and add some nice mouldings and top it off in a cherry stain. Ah yeah!!!!
New Question: what do you guys think about putting the display in the house and plumbing it under the house and out to my garage for the sump/filtration, etc? Keeping in mind that my garage is unheated. It would be about a 20 foot plumb job. What kind of return pump would I need to plumb a return also?
And now... the pics (hopefully they will work)
by jmccown1979
by jmccown1979
by jmccown1979
by jmccown1979
by jmccown1979
Here is where the tank will be going. As you can see, the cabinets are coming out. The whole wall will be a tank wall. Will require some modification.
by jmccown1979
So what do you guys think?
Hey guys, I may have an opportunity to pick up a good deal on a huge tank with stand and canopy. 380 gallons to be exact. my dilemma is that I live in a mobile home, double wide. The tank is 8' long so weight will be spread out somewhat. Would a tank of this size and weight be okay in a mobile home? I know that the home has steel runners every 6-8' under it for support. Another option would be to put it in my garage (which is too large to heat). The aquarium is acrylic. Would it be okay through the winter? Just trying to look at my options before I commit to buying a beast of a tank. Later on down the road I may get a bigger house and I would have a nice display tank for the house. Any opinions or experiences with big tanks and mobile homes?
and then I committed to buying it...
OK guys, I've committed to buying this monster of a tank...380 gallons. It is 96x24x36. I am going to put it in the house and fit it to look like its built in the wall. Here is some pics of it currently where it is at. I am going to be picking it up next weekend in Indianapolis. Man you talk about butterflies in my stomach...I can't hardly wait..
I will probably use the stand and make a new canopy. For the finish I will use a nice grain wood covering and add some nice mouldings and top it off in a cherry stain. Ah yeah!!!!
New Question: what do you guys think about putting the display in the house and plumbing it under the house and out to my garage for the sump/filtration, etc? Keeping in mind that my garage is unheated. It would be about a 20 foot plumb job. What kind of return pump would I need to plumb a return also?
And now... the pics (hopefully they will work)
by jmccown1979
by jmccown1979
by jmccown1979
by jmccown1979
by jmccown1979
Here is where the tank will be going. As you can see, the cabinets are coming out. The whole wall will be a tank wall. Will require some modification.
by jmccown1979
So what do you guys think?