4' Cube tank setup Pics


New member
Can you please post pics of you 4' cube setups. I am getting ready to order one and I am looking for input on location/style for overflows and possible closed loop. Thanks in Advance Tim
There are 2 or 3 4" setups floating around here. One with a central overflow and I think 2 with a back overflow. If you can afford the room a coast to coast external overflow would be very nice, wish I had the room for that in my design. I would give you think links but unfortunately I don't have them.

I guess it depends on how you plan to set it up in the room.

Good Luck
One of my biggest concerns is water flow in this style tank. I am not sure if a coast to coast would be best, center or what ever. I am open to location in the room, and I just want to do this right and hopefully this will be my last tank for a WHILE. Or at least that whats I am telling the wife.....LOL
Here is my old 240g cube with center back overflow

Here's my 4' cube which is only a couple of months old. The overflow is in the back left corner.

I have a build thread if you are looking for more detail. Just search my name.


