400/600 Gallons in-Wall setup


New member
after many days of negotiations i got the wife to say yes about 400 to 600 Gallons (Not 1 ML more of water she said) in-Wall.., with a small control room.

this time am willing to do it perfectly correct, with your help guys i think we can make something sweet.

wall, Tank, Sump, Quarantine, will be Custom made.
Hardware: Lighting, Controller, Skimmer, CO2, OZONE, KalkWasser, RO, Pumps, (Mid Level Budget)

and then will talk about the Live Stock...

2 Weeks before before we get the keys of the New Apartment. then i should be ready
with the things to do.

Please share with me anything, Dos and Not todos, things i need get now, and things i will have to by-pass for later...

photos, Designs, DIY projects, are most welcome.

Thanks to all in Advance.
If you are starting from scratch, depending on how much you DIY, I think you should count on a lot more then $5,000.

This could be great. Please post information like goals for the tank, basic equipment requirements, filtration size and needs, dimensions of the tank, aquascaping, anything else you have thought of so far and want to do.
i have already my ozonizer 100mg, Aqua Medic Plankton Reactor, 2 tunze skimmers, lighting (metal halide) and about 200 killos of liverock. from my running 30g and 125g. plus alot of hard corals, and good helthy fish.

the goal is to make a mixed mixed tank, of hard, soft, and fish, including LR

5k is fine as long as i can split it on 5 months or 4...
forgot L 103" x 30 x 30

and i want your help guys for a good filtration method and equipments that will get me running for at least 2 years before i think of changing.

thats all i though of so, far.
wow, are they really going to let you put that in an apartment??? I need to move in there, been hunting for a place that would even let me take my medium tank.
also if i were you I would look at some of the build threads on here from people with tanks that size and see how they set their systems up, what worked for them and what didnt work.....better to learn from others mistakes than make them youself, plus alot of these guys have set up some amazing systems that will inspire you and give you ideas for your own.
Do you know how much a fully stocked 600 gallon tank weighs? 600 gallons of salt water alone weighs 4800 pounds. Please seriously reconsider this idea. Have you considered the logistics of moving a tank that size in two years?
You might want to reconsider....i just built a tri-level townhome and had to have 2 load bearing walls installed directly below the front and back of my new 600 gallon tank. Also, solid joists were added directly under the tank and it will sit against a third load bearing wall! We planned for 6000lbs just for the tank as all of the equipment will be housed in a downstairs room.

All of this hassle and the structural and joist engineers say that my house will still "settle" to a much greater degree than it normally would, causing stress cracks in drywall that will need to be repaired as time goes on.

And the $5000 dollar figure is well below the mark IMO, look at between 10-20,000 with a significant monthly bill in electricity and dry goods. Speaking of electricity...how are you going to get electricity to the tank? A normal apartment surely will not have the outlets needed for such a large tank.

Not trying to be negative...I have been doing research for awhile and now have started building so i have learned all that is needed in such a large tank.

oh...and the humidity,lol.
thanks guys for the hidden details for electricity i am located in KUWAIT so, electricity and water are payed monthly (30 USD) if you use 12v lamp or 300 of 40,000watts stadium bulbs... the building technician told me he can pull a direct cable from the 4" floor splitter.

and after i have talked with the building engineer he said its risky and the floor cannot carry the load but 300 to 400 is a good number he said but not 600.

i already have half of the equipments, i need skimmer, ozone generator, calcium reactor, plankton reactor, controller and stuff but some of the equipments will have to wait... eG: i can start with skimmer and Calcium reactor then i get kalkwasser and Controller and so, on...

today i went there and i made the calculation for the room i will build its going to be 13 ft X 6ft.

i was thinking the longer the better as they said they swim from "left to right not top to bottom"

but how about the hight and width? pls advice .
for the money its not gonna be a problem am going to make it slow and the wife said we are not moving until our contract will finish so, we are talking 2 to 4 years.
Squeeze the most amount of room you can spare. If you have room for a sink go for it. I wish I had room for a sink. Are you going to be staying long in this apartment? A wall is a lot of work. What did they say about when you leave? When you build it plan on what its going to be like when you leave. You might be able to save your self some heart acke down the line. You are hooked ...Join the crowd..Welcome.hahahaha
2 to 4 years in the apartment but no sink room the good news is behind the main wall there is a toilet so, its easy to make link it with water then connect the RO...

for the wall its going to be wood wall only so, nothing to worry about and the legs of the aquarium will be metal tubes covered with wood its some sort of new technology ( the embed the metal inside a wood leg or something).
Thats a lot of work for a big tank that you will tear down just as it is starting to mature.

I would try a 180 or so.
I think a large tank like a 400g would be cool, but like Jeremy said, if you're moving in 2-4 years, then taking a 400g down and moving it out would be a lot of trouble...