400 gallon build. Finally happening

So, I have been in the hobby for about 10 years, going through many tanks and moves due to the military. I am finally done with moving around and came across a dream tank. A local store moved there shop and this tank was left in there old location. I made some calls to the owner of the building and finally got the call back to come pick up the tank. Cost - pizza and beer from the pizza place next door. It took 6 of us to tear it down and set it up and my house. Now the fun begins. I am polishing the tank out to remove the scratches and getting in slowly set up.


D@ng I wish I could get good deals like that. Ya know if it weren't for bad luck I wouldn't have any :lol:
I knew the shop well, and yes it is water tight. It was still running when we broke it down. Also had some bonus items still with it. :hmm5:

skimmer is 32" tall. pretty much a copy of a MRC skimmer


K2r calcium reactor

Plus it still has 8 4" T5s and 2 400watt halides. I will be ditching the halides and building a LED System for it.

The pumps were still running when we took the tank down. There is an 8500 per hour and a 4500 per hour pump. They are pulled apart currently as I am waiting for new saltwater seals to come in.
How do you put the k2r togheter were does the tee lines go to I bought it all apart but no one can tell me were they go any info will be apreciated thank you