400 gallon fowlr fish list


New member
I am putting together a list of 23 fish that I would like to add to my tank. Below I have put them in waves that I will be adding them. I would like to know if anyone would do it differently and any opinions would help. Thanks

3 female lyretail anthias
1 male lyretail anthias
3 royal Gramma
2 ocellaris clowns

Emperor angel
Coral beauty
Flame angel

Vlamingii Tang
Blonde naso Tang
Blue hippo Tang
White cheeck tank

Purple Tang
Yellow Tang
Powder blue Tang
Clown Tang

Bird wrasse
Porcupine puffer
Clown trigger
I like the waves of fish. allowing fish to establish territories before putting some bullies in.. do you have quarantine process or will be putting them in after pick up from store?
I would think it would be a good idea to find a store that can order these fish in, keep them for a week or so and feed to make sure you get good fish
I have a 55 gallon QT tank that I plan on using. I have been thinking about getting them online at liveaquaria.com or from my lfs. Havent decided yet. Liveaquaria seems to be less expensive and I already have a qt process setup
I have a 55 gallon QT tank that I plan on using. I have been thinking about getting them online at liveaquaria.com or from my lfs. Havent decided yet. Liveaquaria seems to be less expensive and I already have a qt process setup

Some things to look for to ensure more success (in my opinion)...
Look for a lfs that treats fish when they come in and has had them for atleast 2 weeks

If you could find a lfs that has display tanks that are each an individual unit so that way parasites and disease are not spread throughout the whole system. (this is hard to find)

Ask for your lfs to feed the fish and show that they are commonly eating and ask what foods they eat

My lfs in a suburb of Cleveland (Valley City) might be worth the trip from Michigan depending on travel, i go there a lot and i know they have a good amount of the fish that are on your list.

The store name is Aquatica Aquarium Gallery... they have some of the most impressive display tanks and an unbelievable amount of stock. I think they would definitely be worth a phone call to set something up.

In my opinion it is always better to support a lfs
Should be a nice looking collection of fish, may be a bit heavy on tangs. The clown tang could prove difficult as well, never kept one.

With all those tangs, quarantine and pre-treatment for Ich is a must in my opinion. Minimum of 30 days in cupramine or whatever the tank transfer protocol is. I use cupramine, so I’m not familiar with it.
Good plan. I would change the angels to the last wave though. Established tangs should not give them any problems once added. Adding all angels at the same time is definitely a good idea though! It can be hard to get the fish you want at the same time so have a backup plan on adding fish from the same wave at different times. I ran into this problem with tangs and with angels. It was more problematic with the angels... ended up selling the larger annularis that simply would not leave alone the smaller blueface (which was added later, with 6 weeks of acclimation in DT). You can see my build for a complete run-down.

Also consider removing the clown trigger from your list. It will likely be a problem in the future.

Should be a great build!