head pressure through downsizing to a 1" line will really cripple your flow. never downsize from the pump intake and outflow sizes. even increase the plumbing size to decrease head loss.
read read read before you go any further.
besides the web there are some excellent books that reefkeepers should have in their libraries. the time and money put into acquiring and reading them can and will save the lives of many.
Eric Borneman “Aquarium Corals†thank you for answering my questions on your forum.
Ron Shimek “Marine Invertebrates†and for answering my forum questions.
Scott Michael “Reef Fishes†series.
Julian Sprung and Charles J Delbeek for their series “The Reef Aquarium†vols I, II, and III, especially Vol III which is the most complete book I have seen on the science and art of setting up a reef tank.
Anthony Calfo “Coral Propagation†volume II and “Marine Invertebrates†about all things not corals without spines.
“The Conscientious Marine Aquarist†Anthony Calfo cowritten with Bob Fenner who is also a very entertaining speaker. This was my first book i got along with the first tank.
"almost any obstacle can be overcome with information; information is truly the oxygen of understanding."
Anthony Calfo