I added half the 500 mL bottle over the span of a couple of hours. I waited an additional hour, and then tested both Calcium and Magnesium. Calcium went up to 385, just as predicted. Mg however, remained at 1260. I'll add the remainder of the bottle tomorrow night and test for Ca and Mg again.
IO salt is the only kind I can get around here at a reasonable price, so I'll likely stick with it, despite it being low on Mg. It's cheaper for me to buy a bunch of Mg in bulk, and then add a little as needed when doing water changes.
I added 3 of these guys last Friday. They are very entertaining to watch, as they try to clean each fish as they swim by. So far only the Lawnmover Blenny appears interested in their services. They'll also jump onto your hand/arm with no hesitation. 2 of them are missing part of one or more antennas, but I'm sure they will return after the next molt. My CBS seems to ignore these guys which is good. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will stay that way.
I also got this guy Yesterday. He's pretty big at 3"+ and nice and fat. He seems quite content and is busy picking at the rocks all day. Btw, all those white dots are sand corn.
I don't plan to add any additional fish for a while and have taken my QT tank down for now. When I cleaned out the canister filter, I was suprised at how many pods were living in the sponge. They must have come with the small rocks that I briefly put in the QT from the fuge a while back. I don't think that mandarin is going to starve anytime soon!