450g Reef

I went over the thread again to see if you posted the dimensions of the tank. If you did and I missed it, can you post that again? Also, do you have more pics of the entire setup equipment wise? Thanks for sharing those great pics.
oh, and a fish list if it's not asking too much. lol. Doesn't look like you have many fish in there and that might be one of the reasons your corals look incredible.
needs more acutal live rock.
looks too scattered with little pieces.
and why 3 skimmers?
id get it to where you dont have to run one for months! just my opinion. looks good but id leave the back glass alone to get coraline.
This is the equipment room(fish house) which is outside, about 30ft away from the tanks. Those gray bins are my 3 sumps, that's my frag tank on the left and my refugium on the right..(better pics coming)


Here is the Fish House from the outside and the blue tank is where I mix my saltwater.


Here is my ozonizer.


Here is my RO/DI setup. The blue bin in this picture is RO water. The RO water is connected to a high pressure pump which pumps water through the DI tanks to the automatic top off and to the mixing bin outside.


And here is my fish list for the tank in the picture. I have more in my sumps, refugium and frag tank.

Fish List:
2 purple tangs
1 yellow tang
1 Spotted Tang
2 Hawaiian Flame wrasses
1 Fourline Wrasse
6 sixline wrasses
1 Twinspot wrasse
2 Black clownfish
3 blue tangs
3 mystery wrasses
1 candy hogfish
2 dispar anthias.
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VERY nice..although I'm a fan of black backs on tanks, I love the blue on yours and I may be oldschool here, but I like the clean look that it has. Coraline is great, but sometimes makes a tank look uncared for ..if you know what I mean. Great job and thanks for the pics.
A fish house! Cool!

How far is it from the display?

... And the bin full of BK's is just great!
The Merlin works great. It's the second stage of a 3 stage setup. First the water comes from the street and goes through a carbon filter. After the carbon the water goes through the Merlin RO unit and into a holding bin. Once in the holding bin, the water goes through two DI tanks to the saltwater mixing tank, auto topoff or into a bucket for mixing addittives.

The Fish House is about 40ft away from the display tanks.

Oh and someone asked why I have 3 skimmers and the reason is because it was cheaper than buying one big one which had less skimming power.
Awesome tank and system! I agree with you about having multiple skimmers instead of one big one. And if one breaks, you're still in business. I'm doing the same thing.

What are the dimensions of your tank?

And do you have your own nuclear power plant to power everything? :lol: (just kidding around :) )
Yes, I'm running two nuclear silo's as well as an open vented coal power plant. I use the salt water to cool the reacter coils..it's great because I can heat the water with it. I'm always thinking of ways to save power. jk.. :D

My tank dimesions are 8'x3'x30" = 450g

I started the fish house in dec. 06 and took my sweet time with it and finished in may 07. so the system has been running for a year. I was originally going to go all fish because I had a 180g reef and thought that was enough..uhhh..yeahh....so I finally made it a reef in sep 07.

I am upgrading my 180g reef to 300g reef tank in about 3 weeks.