I lost most of my SPS over the summer. I think it was coral chemical warfare as I have a lot of very large sinularia and a 3 foot diameter sarcophyton that was located in my acro tank. I also ran nitrate up to around 30 while waiting for my denitrator to kick in, but I had a lot of difficulty getting it calibrated this time around. Long story short, as much as I love acros, I think the softies are just easier and cheaper to grow. This saves a bit in GFO and electricity which is nice. I'm in the process of re-aquascaping the cube tank and need to add some new sand. Once I get that all done, I plan on adding some cool leathers that I've acquired from frenchie and then make a cool ricordea/clam area on the outer perimeter of the tank. I'll get some pics up when I get it looking better.