48x48x18 Tank

Eddie James

New member
I've been wanting to put together a 180 gal 48x48x18 clam, chalice and goby tank.

If any of you have this size tank could you post photos? Also, where are good places to pick up a tank like that used? Any other information is greatly appreciated,

I appreciate your help!
Here is mine 3 sides starfire, it's 48x48x17 by GC.


Aqua - Thank you! That is exactly what I wanted to see - What is GC? (edit: nevermind - found it - Glass Cages)

Thanks for the tip Trademark!
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I love the dimensions of this tank! Is there a benefit of doing a 180 this way vs the conventional long?

No benefit really, a cube tank is always a personal choice. It does provide a chance for some great aquascaping though.

My next aquarium is either going to me a large cube or a large corner tank, havnt decided yet. Aquasport is member of our local club and ive always loved that cube.
I have a 48x48x16 center overflow 4 sided starfire from GC
nice for looking down into wehn the pumps are off ...
will get some this evening.
this tank was originally planned for grow out space. I had a 280 filed with SPS bursting at the seams. The 280's chiller failed while I was on vacation. I have been going slow this time, and only have some frags in the system. My sump does have 750 pounds of some awesome rock in it.
Aquasport24, that tank looks great! I have been toying with the idea of picking up a similar tank that is available up near Chicago. Eddie James I know you're in Atlanta but if you are interested in the Chicago one let me know and I send you some info since its not actually mine.
Here are some pictures of my set up in my fishroom. It has been running since May 2011
going very slow (I work alot) . I was hoping to have the canopy and tank skinned by now.
I do not yet have a display tank for the system

RKE controlled systems

tank 4'x4'x16"
6 tunze 6201's
4 ocean motions
4 400W MH
4 48" VHO atinic

QT Tank 24"x24"x24"
2 MP10's
1- 250W MH

220 gallon Titan food grade sump
MTC Pro-cal calcium reactor with PH probe
ETSS-1000 down draft skimmer
1-PCI 1HP chiller
50 gallon water change set up
RODI water supply
750 pound live rock


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I should note that my overflow consists of (3) 2" bulk heads in the floor of the tank. I built the oveflow kind of in a "T" shape to cover all 3 bulk heads. The main riser is large enough to accept the the flow from a hammerhead pump, which 2 -of the 3 bulk head are about 95% capable of drainging, and have a center 2" pipe catch the remaining as a overflow safty. It works well.

My whole system is plumbed both ways with 2" piping.
2" supply line to tank is split under the tank into 4- 1" outlets for the ocean motions.
2 of the 3 drain bulk heads plumbed into 1 common 2"return line to the sump
the third center overflow bulk head is plumbed into its own 2"return line to the sump so I can see at the sump exactly how much is going over the over flow safty.
I did this so without creating a flood when I take my chiller or skimmer off line for maintance, without shutting down my system. The center overflow can handdle the additional volume. Kind of overkill, but I know I am not going to accidentally overflow the tank.


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