Chapter 1: The Story
Figured I'd start a Build thread for my next Project.
I currently have an Odyssea 4 Bulb T5H0 6ft Light over my 125 Gallon Tank.
And to be honest, the Darn thing is growing Corals pretty good for the Cost ($150 ish) I have SPS, LPS, Many anemone (They just keep splitting) Zoa's Palys, you name it, it all seems to grow somewhat. Now I did replace the bulbs in this unit for ATI's, Upgraded the Cooling fans, and added LED strips for some added Blue Shimmer and Pop.
My Biggest complaint is how the Bulbs are setup in this particular fixture
The largest length T5H0's come in is 60" so what Odyssea has done in there 6ft light is placed 2 Bulbs to the far left, the other two to the far right so there are area's in the tank only covered by one Spectrum (The ends) Keep in mind this is a 2 channel light.
The bulb configuration is something like this:
|========== | 2 ATI Blue Pluss
| ==========| 1 ATI Purple Plus, 1 ATI Blue Special
So each end of the Tank is where I place less light picky Corals,
The other Thing I dislike about this Fixture is there is only one single reflector for all 4 Lights, and no real active cooling. Plus crappy Ballasts (Always have spares on hand)
Okay so The things I Like about this Light (As these ideas will be going into the my next build)
1: One Power cord, Since I will be hanging the light, the less cords the better
2: Built in Timer for each channel and moon lights, Means I don't have to use an external timer, or take up real estate on my ReefKeeper.
3: It's 6ft long.
I've been tossing idea's around for a replacement Fixture for quite some time, Do I purchase the 60" ATI at $1200 US (I'm Canadian so that's like almost 2 grand after shipping, bulbs, duty and exchange rate) Two 36" ATI Fixtures, (Again Price) LED Black Boxes ? Maybe a 4 foot and a 2 foot Hydroponic T5H0 setup (Price would be around $500 but no active cooling, looks, bla bla bla)
Here is a really old Picture of the Light when I just set the Tank up:

Figured I'd start a Build thread for my next Project.
I currently have an Odyssea 4 Bulb T5H0 6ft Light over my 125 Gallon Tank.
And to be honest, the Darn thing is growing Corals pretty good for the Cost ($150 ish) I have SPS, LPS, Many anemone (They just keep splitting) Zoa's Palys, you name it, it all seems to grow somewhat. Now I did replace the bulbs in this unit for ATI's, Upgraded the Cooling fans, and added LED strips for some added Blue Shimmer and Pop.
My Biggest complaint is how the Bulbs are setup in this particular fixture
The largest length T5H0's come in is 60" so what Odyssea has done in there 6ft light is placed 2 Bulbs to the far left, the other two to the far right so there are area's in the tank only covered by one Spectrum (The ends) Keep in mind this is a 2 channel light.
The bulb configuration is something like this:
|========== | 2 ATI Blue Pluss
| ==========| 1 ATI Purple Plus, 1 ATI Blue Special
So each end of the Tank is where I place less light picky Corals,
The other Thing I dislike about this Fixture is there is only one single reflector for all 4 Lights, and no real active cooling. Plus crappy Ballasts (Always have spares on hand)
Okay so The things I Like about this Light (As these ideas will be going into the my next build)
1: One Power cord, Since I will be hanging the light, the less cords the better
2: Built in Timer for each channel and moon lights, Means I don't have to use an external timer, or take up real estate on my ReefKeeper.
3: It's 6ft long.
I've been tossing idea's around for a replacement Fixture for quite some time, Do I purchase the 60" ATI at $1200 US (I'm Canadian so that's like almost 2 grand after shipping, bulbs, duty and exchange rate) Two 36" ATI Fixtures, (Again Price) LED Black Boxes ? Maybe a 4 foot and a 2 foot Hydroponic T5H0 setup (Price would be around $500 but no active cooling, looks, bla bla bla)
Here is a really old Picture of the Light when I just set the Tank up: