500 gallons....

The display tank is 78x32x34 which is about 370 gallons plus the two sumps total about 140 gallons , plus the other chambers holding more water, skimmer, calc reactor, etc. makes up for just over 500 gallons.

All make up water is kalkwasser RO/DI water. Add iodine and strontium to keep levels constant.

Not sure why photos are upside down. I think when you click on them the display properly . Sorry .
Amazing setup, but how did you manage to set it all up upside down. Even your fish are swimming upside down. J/K great display, I definitely like the glass tile work around it.
High quality acid? Not sure... I was struggling trying to upload album. if anyone knows how to copy and paste to thread...be my guest. Wouldn't let me do it.