55-gallon fish and coral stocking list


New member
Ok, guys. Hoping to get everyone's opinion on my 55-gallon stocking list. But first, some back story. I'm new to the forum, but not really new to the hobby. I've kept FOWLR for years (in the past) and I'm ready to get back in the game, but I'm wanting to go with the mixed reef this time. Being that I've never kept corals, I plan on sticking with the LPS/softies. I have a 48" Orbit Marine PRO LED over my tank, so I can't keep anything that craves too much light. That being said, my coral list is based solely off of my own research. My fish list I've been over many times and I'm hoping it won't have to change much (that one is even in my potential purchase order). I'm always open to suggestions, though, so let 'em fly! Also, the tank has been set up for almost a month now and was set up using LR from an established tank. It went through a small cycle and is now in the diatom-dying-off part of the cycle. I already have most of my cleanup crew in there already as well. Enough talk, let's get to the list:

True Percula Clownfish
Filamented Flasher Wrasse
Starry Blenny
Rainford Goby
Caribbean Redspotted Hawkfish
Banggai Cardinalfish

Green Star Polyp
Candy Cane/Trumpet/Torch Coral
Pineapple Brain Coral
Australian Big Polyp Blastomussa
Toadstool Mushroom Leather Coral

Inverts (sticking w/ Marc's 1 per gallon rule)
Nassarius Snails*
Margarita Snails*
Cerith Snails
Banded Coral Shrimp*
Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crabs*
Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs
Mexican Red Leg Hermit Crabs*
Peppermint Shrimp*
Emerald Crab*
Serpent Star
Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber
Red Tuxedo Urchin
*already purchased

Thanks for the help, all!
Almost 24 hours and no reply on my first post. I thought this community was a little more active? Did I say something wrong? [emoji15]

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Hey capt. I started with a 55 gallon myself about 2 years ago. I now have a 180 gallon I'm moving into. I started with 2 clowns, a small yellow tang, six line wrasse and slew of clean up crew too. As far as corals go? I didn't add til I was six months in and my levels stayed consistent. I had good luck with Kenya tree, green toadstool, zoas, red montipora, pulsing Xenia, green star polyps. I ran my tank at 79 degrees and moderate flow. I also did not do water changes. A lot of people look at me funny when I say that but my fish were fat and happy and my corals grew great. You may have to move your corals to find the optimal light intensity and flow but I think your list looks fine.

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Hey capt. I started with a 55 gallon myself about 2 years ago. I now have a 180 gallon I'm moving into. I started with 2 clowns, a small yellow tang, six line wrasse and slew of clean up crew too. As far as corals go? I didn't add til I was six months in and my levels stayed consistent. I had good luck with Kenya tree, green toadstool, zoas, red montipora, pulsing Xenia, green star polyps. I ran my tank at 79 degrees and moderate flow. I also did not do water changes. A lot of people look at me funny when I say that but my fish were fat and happy and my corals grew great. You may have to move your corals to find the optimal light intensity and flow but I think your list looks fine.

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That is curious! You didn't have to do anything to keep your trace elements up? That's what I worry about most when not doing a water change is getting those goodies that come in a reef salt. Did you dose anything?

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The list looks fine. If you don't already have a screen cover you are going to need one, you have jumpers in your list of fish. I'm not a big fan of having crabs in a reef tank but it looks like you already have them so there is not much you can do about that. Do wait for your tank to mature several months before adding the cucumber, they need a mature sand bed. It's best to keep the GSP on its own separate rock, it will spread quickly and cover any corals in its path.
Just a word of advice since you are new: Starry Blennys need algae or even Seaweed will be fine. Court Jester Goby's need nutritious food (frozen brine is fine) and make sure you have a lid because they are jumpers. Torch Corals will thrive in an established tank and need trace elements. Your stocking is mild so I would recommend an 8-10% water change a week. However, protein skimmers can reduce that number. Just make sure your parameters are stable. Stability > Expensive Italian Equipment