Neptune 555
New member
I remember a thread where you posted your fish stocking wish list and feedback was provided... I am unable to locate that thread.. but wanted some input b/4 any fish mortality occurred.
I have a 55 gallon 3 foot long bow front reeftank w/ 40 lbs live rock. Here is my stocking wish list:
green spot mandarin - existing
2 oscellaris clowns
1 BTA - existing
1 orchid dottyback tank raised (they description less aggressive b/c tank raisesd?
flameback Anelfish
yasha goby & shrimp
3 clown goby yellow
Tanakas pygmy wrasse (if space?)
I have a 55 gallon 3 foot long bow front reeftank w/ 40 lbs live rock. Here is my stocking wish list:
green spot mandarin - existing
2 oscellaris clowns
1 BTA - existing
1 orchid dottyback tank raised (they description less aggressive b/c tank raisesd?
flameback Anelfish
yasha goby & shrimp
3 clown goby yellow
Tanakas pygmy wrasse (if space?)