55 gallon reef fish compatability

Neptune 555

New member
I remember a thread where you posted your fish stocking wish list and feedback was provided... I am unable to locate that thread.. but wanted some input b/4 any fish mortality occurred.

I have a 55 gallon 3 foot long bow front reeftank w/ 40 lbs live rock. Here is my stocking wish list:

green spot mandarin - existing
2 oscellaris clowns
1 BTA - existing
1 orchid dottyback tank raised (they description less aggressive b/c tank raisesd?
flameback Anelfish
yasha goby & shrimp
3 clown goby yellow
Tanakas pygmy wrasse (if space?)
I would add the possum early, they are timid but awesome fish. Not sure on multiple clown gobies. But the rest looks fine.
I remember a thread where you posted your fish stocking wish list and feedback was provided... I am unable to locate that thread.. but wanted some input b/4 any fish mortality occurred.

I have a 55 gallon 3 foot long bow front reeftank w/ 40 lbs live rock. Here is my stocking wish list:

green spot mandarin - existing 55 gallons will not sustain both of these with the wrasse
2 oscellaris clowns fine
1 BTA - existingfine
1 orchid dottyback tank raised (they description less aggressive b/c tank raisesd?purple Satan
flameback Anelfishwould not, likely to destroy corals
yasha goby & shrimpfine
3 clown goby yellow just one, they will fight
Tanakas pygmy wrasse (if space?)you will have two copepod dependent animals. They will starve.
Angels are a crap shoot, some pick at corals, and some are model citizens.

With that said, I've been told the flame back variety is less likely to nip at corals and is the angel I have this time around. Mine has been a model citizen so far.

And I agree on the above with the pod eaters. In that size tank one is plenty.
Good advice - I will hold on the wrasse. My mandarin has been with me for a few years now...

so orchid dottyback is purple satan.... ya I had always stayed away but the breeder had said the tank raised ones are less aggressive... I think my tank will be plenty full w/ out this guy