55G Mixed Reef Progression Pics - PICTURE INTENSE!


New member
Fellow RC Members-

First off, I would like to thank each and every one of you guys (and girls) for your wonderful advice and guidance since I started my 55G Reef 18 months ago. Without you, none of this would have been possible.

Now, for the Equipment and Livestock:


Coralife Super Skimmer 220 w/ PVC Output Mod w/ T Vent
Current USA 260 PC Fixture w/ four 50/50 10K/420nm Actinic Bulbs
One Maxijet 1200 and one ViaAqua 400 Powerhead on 45 second alternating currents.
200W Thermal Compact Heater by Hagen
Coralife Digi-Temp Monitor
pH Monitor by Precision Marine
Salinity Monitor by Precision Marine

That's it for the equipment, now for the livestock:

47 Lbs of Premium Fiji LR
50 lbs of Oolitic Sand by CaribSea
One Haitian Pink-Tipped Anemone
Xenia Frags galore
Assorted Zoanthids
One large Featherduster, lots of small ones
9 Headed Frogspawn (this one is my fave)
One Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus Japonicus)
2 MATED Percula Clownfish
One Rainford's Goby
2 Cleaner Shrimp
One Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata sp.)

As you can see, I tried to rely on mostly natural filtration, however I skim fairly wet with my skimmer. And believe me, it is NASTY!

Please ask any questions or leave any comments/recommendations you wish, as they are very welcomed and appreciated.

Now for the pics!





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do your xenias "clutch" under the pcs? I've heard they'll only do that under MHs. Of course, that came from the lfs guy. Kick *** tank, man. You're an inspiration to all of us lowly 55 owners!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6922818#post6922818 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cfarrow2
do your xenias "clutch" under the pcs? I've heard they'll only do that under MHs. Of course, that came from the lfs guy. Kick *** tank, man. You're an inspiration to all of us lowly 55 owners!

I have silver tipped pulsing Xenia in my 12 gallon nano cube witht he stock lighting and it does great.
Ten I have the mother colony of it in my 90 with 2 250 watt halides and it looks just like the one in my nano.
Thank you all for the kind comments. It took a while for me to get it the way I wanted to. And my total cost for this tank is....... $738.26 (I kept all the receipts, lol)

Anyhow, here is another front pic:


Enjoy, and thanks again everyone.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6922818#post6922818 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cfarrow2
do your xenias "clutch" under the pcs? I've heard they'll only do that under MHs. Of course, that came from the lfs guy. Kick *** tank, man. You're an inspiration to all of us lowly 55 owners!

Nope, my Xenia clutches near the end of the day. Why, I do not know. It is always open in the morning, lol.

BTW, in case you missed it, I have a Current USA 260W PC Fixture with 4 50/50 bulbs, replaced every 6 months.

Any other questions are welcome :)

BTW, does anyone else have that PVC mod on their CSS? I found that when I added the "T" section, it improved skimmate production for some reason. It greatly reduced backpressure on the skimmer, and fixed the leaking red valve problem.

how big is that goldrim? He looks small :)
very nice!

you had better rocks then me to aquascape my 55.. :( but i think i did an OK job


what do you have for flow?? I hate my powerheads.. lol but its the only option for a non drilled tank :(
Hey there zemuron! Thank you for the kind words. For flow I use my CSS220, ViaAqua400 and a MJ1200. I am sumpless.

I think you did a great job on your tank! I don't really think their is a BAD reef, just some are better than others. You should be proud of yourself!

That Powder Brown Tang is about 4 inches head to tail. He eats garlic soaked nori like mad.

I rescued the little guy from Petco... so sad. They had him in a little 10 gallon tang with Blackspot and Ich and I saved him. But then again, he will be replaced by another poor fish that will die... I hate Petco.

Thanks all.

-Nate :uzi:
Zemuron, one more thought. How about a Tunze Stream or, cheaper, a Seio?

The former kicks butt and is expensive, and the latter is a cheaper design that works.

-Nate :)
Very nice !!! I also have a 55. It is a challenge when it comes to light fixtures and fitting a sump into a narrow cabinet. I had a custum acrylic sump made to fit in my cabinet. I also had a hard time finding a 8" wide MH combo fixture to fit on my tank.
yeah i was thinking about tunze (to many bad reviews on seio) But im not even home for more then 3 months out of the year, because im at school. So 3 maxi jets are cheaper and easier i think. Plus, i plan on ugrading to a 180 or 210 and merging my 55 with my 110 fowlr (which is more of a peaceful tank) Plus i need more room for the sweet fish i can get here in Hawaii!! I need more flame wrasse :) lol

i'll do tunze for the bigger tank :-D