58 glln Oceanic RR for Sale!


New member
Hi fellas, first let me introduce myself. The name is Ruben and I've been in the hobby for countless of years. I currently have a 500 glln oceanic rr setup. Fish mainly but few leathers. Im sure some of you know me from visiting some of the stores. Not really involved in the club for numerous reasons but the main two is family and job. However intend to change that one day. As I do follow whats being posted on the forums. But I would like to offer one of you guys thats interested a sweet deal. I currently have a 58 glln oceanic reef ready aquarium. I intended to set it as my reef display but with my 500 glln not getting all tha attention it deserves at times I thought it was kinda silly setting up yet another aquarium. However, its the full set up Im offering. It includes tank,stand,30glln sump,life sand,life rock (35bls) and Current USA lighting power compacts (4x96watt).Lights are 6 months old that I bought from a friend who switched to MH's. Its currently plummed and its set up with only life rock. I bought the aquarium and stand brand new. I understand I wont get all the money I invested back but hope to get some back. So I will offer it for $550 the entire set up. All you will need is a return pump to kick start it. Which I ran a Mag 12. Sorry I didnt post it with any pictures but only because I dont know how. But if you are interested I can e-mail you some pictures or your more than welcome to come see it for yourself. Also willing to help with the move or any way I can make it easier for you. My number is 915-637-0292 if you need to contact me. Thanks again RP.