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Calcium is a bit low but all of you’re other numbers (except NO3) appear to be in range.

I do not have a chemistry background but it’d be interesting to see if your LFS can test their water to see what their parameters are. I’m curious if since the average sea temperature is fairly cool around Portugal, if warming up the water for aquarium use is causing a shift in calcium content? Just thinking outloud. I have no proof of this
Interesting thought.

@kharmaguru @Timfish any insight/thoughts on this?
Interesting thought.

@kharmaguru @Timfish any insight/thoughts on this?
I'm not sure what we're comparing. 365 to 380? -that's well within testing error for hobby level test kits. 380 to the ocean? The ocean isn't 1.025 either so not sure what is happening there.

edit: actually it could be 1.025 where they are collecting. A quick google search shows quite a range in different parts of the world.
I think were questioning the massive drop in calcium from 680 to 365 in 2 days , I can only say that it must have been skimmed out , I have had the biggest production in skimmate in 2-3 days than I’ve ever had with this bubble magus so maybe it’s collected the precipitation calcium that was so high I guess it had to go somewhere?
I know it’s not normal but the jury’s out on this one
I've only skimmed through the posts so I may have missed something but have you tested the makeup water before you do a water change? None of teh numbers seem particularly bad, not ideal by any means but not unexpected considering the overhaul done. Even if you didn't disturb the sand bed much you still impacted the biofilms and other biology. I dont see that you have any fish or corals in the system, did I miss it? If not I'd add both fish as well as some easy corals (purple stylo). Actinodiscus sp mushrooms and and sinularia or sarcophyton would ve some of my choices, they can be removed as you add others you want. Corals both actively manipulate microbial proccesses as well as use up nutirents so the sooner they're added the quicker the system will shift to an equilibrium favoring them (but after teh reset done I'd still expect months to the system to mature again). I'd also add it seems you done quite a bit in just a few days, one consideration is maybe too much is being done too quickly and the system isn't having a chance to balance out?
Ramped up my aqua ocean 8000 lph wave makers from pulse to full power see if it helps , on pulse there probably only pumping out 1/4 of full power
Yes I test the new water before changing

I have 7 fish , 4 soft corals

Tanks 8 years old

Thumps up emojii 50.png That tells us it's the biology in your system that's causing the fluctuations. One consideration is with the reascaping teh biofilms were significantly disturbed. As bioflms and cryptic sponges sequester huge levels of nutrients and significantly alter the sorbtion qualities of the substrates they grow since they've been significantly disturbed with the reaquascaping they easily could account for the changes you're seeing. Personally if it was my system I would be adding more corals (Looking close at your initial set of pics I didn't see your softies so I'm assuming they're on the smaller side), I'd reduce water changes to just once a week and be patient. Your systems biology has been reset and it needs to go through a maturing process again.
Didn’t have time do water change yesterday, should do it later tonight

Just checked calcium since it’s been going down and it’s at 300 now!
I can only say it must be skimming out cos there nothing to use it
Kh 10 , it’s going up
Mag 1500 , down 180 without any changes
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So 150 ltr changed (30%) and these are the results

Calcium 315 (in line with the 300 before wc )
Mag 1500
Kh 8.6
Nitrate 50
Po4 .30
Thought I’d share my progress since feb I stripped the tank and rescaped , it’s been a real journey to to get here but over the 4 months I’ve relearned my aquarium after years of neglect, it’s took trials and tribulations to find a balance that works I’ve got loads of threads regarding these if anyone’s interested in my journey and please let me know if you need advice on where I went wrong and what o would not do again I’m happy to help