5g zoa build

guppy breeder

New member
started with a custom 5g aio and went with a zoa theme

Stock list, zoas a ywm and 2 clowns, cuc consists of 3 scarlet hermits a emerald crab and a peppermint shrimp, lighting is led set up, rio 200 return pump good amount of cheato and live rock rubble in overflow and fuge area, will get a list of zoas
Pic from a few days ago

Will post zoa list and pics
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Nice tank.

I've got a little 8h AiO that is slowly turning into a Zoa garden. It would go much more smoothly if my YWG would stop burrying them...
I think you might be a little overstocked on the fish. With a bioload like that you might run into water chemistry problems and that will hurt your coral. I would get rid of the clowns. I don't know much about the goby, but I think he's too big also. There are a few nice looking fish that would work and probably help your tank be more successful.
I was really thinking of the fish. I tried to appeal to your coral side. That tank is too small for those fish long term.
Zoas are greatly forgiving to dirty water ;)

Though they may be better at handling "dirty water" compared to other corals, zoas do better in "clean water". You will have better growth and colors long term.

This debate of dirty vs. clean has been discussed and is more of a myth than anything that people have read once or a few times, it sounds correct, and continue with that mind set.

Good husbandry techniques = a great chance of a long-term system.

Good luck.
I have no skimmer as i have not found a good one that will work a have a nice chamber filled with cheato and also do bi-weekly water changes of 20% so my water isnt dirty but its not pristine like sps want
Then you probably have good water quality in the tank and dirty water issues shouldn't be giving you any headaches.

Good luck and keep posting.
Hair algae is easy to kill using H2O2 and there is a giant thread about it in the nano forum if you are interested in that route. Zoas are not affected by the treatment. They may stay closed for a day but will open up shortly after.
zoas & palys
devils armour
orange delights
utter choas
darth maul
true red hornets
blue hornets
wow paly
purple death
fair dust
fire and ice morph
pink zipper
radio active dragon eyes
wammin wattermelons
mint choc chip
red bam bam
mind blowing paly
sunny d
captian america
tubbs blue
uncle sam
4 unknowns
kedds red
cherry bombs
pink paly
pink panthers

birds nest
turquios acro
encrusting monti









