6025 starts and stops


New member
Hey All,

I have a 6025 that starts and runs properly for about 2-3 seconds and then stops. The "motor" continues to run but the prop doesn't spin at all. this happened after just 1 month of use.

I've tried vinegar baths multiple times and nothing changes.

Is there anything else i can do?

Also does anyone know where i can find the C-clip and Magnet for the 6025?

My guess would be it is an older pump and the drive unit has fallen apart so the magnet is seperated from the plastic shaft. A new drive unit and disk will likely solve this. How old is the pump? I can help with the clamp and magnet as well, just let me know more about the pump so we can figure out what you need.
The pump I've had for a while. Not exactly sure how old it is.

The pump was being run in a tunze rock for about 1 month give or take a week. It was sitting around for a while before that, maybe the usage after a while of being out of use had something to do with it?

Any questions in particular I can answer for you :)?
I was trying to determine the age of the pump and what if any defects it may have that could be the cause. Does it have a flat cord like a heater, or round like most aquarium pumps, these (flat cord) are the oldest pumps and had issues with the shafts. Is the drive unit white plastic on the bottom of the magnet or is it grey plastic? If it has a round cord and white plastic and the metal shaft is intact and firmly in the pump, you only need a new grey base drive unit and grey disk. If it has a flat cord, it should come in for replacement.
It's got a round cord, white plastic and the metal shaft removes with the impellar.

When the impellar is removed the metal rod (shaft) goes with it. I believe its supposed to stay in the motor, correct?
Yes, send me the pump and we will replace it. Please print this thread and place it in the box with your return address.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
Mailed it out to you Roger. I forgot to add a note about the replacement magnet and c-clip.

LMK what it will cost me and I can get the payment to you.
Can you PM me your name and address? I will do my best to match up your info with the box, is a print of this thread in the box or any other way to contact you.
I tried to send a PM, the pump was the latest version, the shaft pulled out because it was jammed to the drive unit by calcium deposits. I was able to clean everything up and press the shaft back in, I sent a new clamp and magnet. Likely this happened when the pump sat dry, the salts and minerals crusted up inside, it is a good idea to wash the pump thoroughly before storing it.
Thanks for the information Roger :) Really appreciate it and I'll surely clean it much better before storing it for any period of time.

Great service!
Hey Roger,

I recieved the pump yesterday and started it up. All was fine last night, when I got up this morning the pump had stopped and when I check the shaft was stuck in the impellar again :(.

How should I proceed?
Yes, that is what I found in the pump originally, some sort of fine sand or calcium deposits had cemented the drive unit to the shaft, but I cleaned in very well and it is not possible for calcium to have built up so quick so it must be sand. I would move the pump higher in the tank to minimize the exposure to sand dust.