6045 Impellor Stuck?


New member
My Tunze 6045 stopped spinning recently. The magnet is stuck to the metal pin and I can't remove the magnet/propellor. I removed the entire pin & magnet/impellor and replaced it with another one I had from my other nanostream and it worked fine, so the motor still works but its just the magnet that won't spin on the pin. Is it possible for me to order a new magnet, impellor, and pin assembly alone? Please let me know, thanks
Calcium deposits have cemented the prop assembly to the pin and the pin was pulled out as a result. Typically once the pin is pulled out, the pump is ruined, it cannot be bought as a seperate spare part, it is part of the motor. The best bet is to grab the shaft or pin with pliers, wrap the teeth with electrical tape to avoid marring the shaft and slowly twist and pull the prop/magnet assembly off the shaft. Then try to press or tap the shaft back in with a small hammer, it is critical that it is not bent and seats firmly. Clean the calcium deposits from the shaft and the hole in the prop/magnet assembly and be sure to increase the frequency of cleaning to prevent this from happening again.
Thanks for the reply. Ive tried removing the pin from the prop assembly several times for hours with pliers and it is stuck :( . Is it possible to purchase a prop assembly and pin? The pin and prop assembly removes easily from the nano streams I have. The pump works great when I place another prop assembly and pin from another nano stream im currently using. Let me know, thanks
The pins only come with the motor blocks, they are pressed in and not removable unless they are pulled out with some force. If you order a drive unit and disk 6025.700 and 6025.740 from Tunze.com and PM me your order number I will add a pin I have on hand, but they cannot generally be replaced reliably, if they move they tend to wobble and round out the hole they sit in and eventually the pump becomes very loud. At a minimum I would try to fix it with some epoxy.